What are/have been your breeding aims?


Well-Known Member
I dont see much discussion about what people are trying to get out of their breeding, so i thought this would be a nice topic of discussion.


Personally i have mostly thrown around pollen with various autoflowers in the past. But now i have some stuff going on with actual aims.

First is an autoflower project(alaskan thunder fuck, low ryder, wedding cake), in which i used alaskan thunderfuck crossed with low ryder to F3 to make it autoflower pollen thrown on best out of 7 wedding cake autos. The thunderfuck ryder male was exceptionally vigorous and was much bigger than average auto when it flowered, might had been the most vigorous plant i ever grown. Anyways it looked like it would had become big if i had let it grow more than make a tiny bit of pollen. So i selected from wedding cakes the tall pheno that still had good size side branches. The pheno was best bud to leaf ratio from the wedding cakes and best yielder along with a bit shorter and bushier pheno(which had leafier buds, but equally strong still).

Now the babies of these alaskan ryder cake autos or whatevers just started showing preflowers under a week ago(male bit over a week ago). I didnt have room to grow more than 4 of these. I got 2 males and 2 females, funnily there were very clearly two phenos, one male and female of each pheno. One pheno that i will use for F2 seeds is very tall(already about 50cm, even tho it only just started flowering) but still good size side branches. Besides making babies between the tall male and female, i will also throw a bit of pollen from tall male to a bit shorter female. The short male i threw away when i saw it was a male, because i wanted to go for big plants. These things seem like they are going to be huuuuge. Most likely i will then select from F2 plants these tall and good side branch phenos and make feminised F3 seeds with them, because F2 should bring more variation to phenotypes and also i would prefer ending up with fem seeds.

Im not interested n stabilising this too much when it comes to things like high for example, i rather have some variation in phenos, but still in general tall and branchy.

Another project i have just starting out is freakshow x amherst sour diesel, and maybe get some freakshow x triple g(gelato x gorilla glue) seeds later. From thee my aim is not to start breeding freakshow like plants, but i want some of that leaf frostiness, unique terpenes and hopefully just a little bit of the mutation, but overall normal plants. For this i dont have such clear aims to what i want from the plants growth pattern. It might be a fail, or it might produce something special. i was kinda thinking of going with it and seeing what comes. I also have a nice freakshow female keeper i have cuttings of that i might use to make feminised freakshow x triple g F1 seeds later, as i also keep a cutting of the triple g. F1 should have little to no mutation from freakshow, but it should get some of its characteristics. Maybe ill make F1 fem seeds between amherst freak and triple freak, which to the freakshow fathers side would be F2 and that combo should start to show a little more freakiness in leafs, but still overall quite normal plants. Impossible to know what comes out of :D


What sort of aims do you have in your current breeding programs, or have had in the past and did you succeed to get what you want? Or do you just throw pollen around? What do you wish to accomplish with the pollen you threw or have you had something special come out of some pollen tossing?
I just started a breeding project that I'm pretty excited about. The goal is to create fast but heavy yielding autos that are amenable to a sea of green style grow. Apical dominance ie little side branching is a major trait I anticipate selecting for. I'm also hoping to identify plants with unique terp profiles. So far I have crossed a critical mass (photo) male to an auto Stardawg and an auto Tangie. I'm hoping that the extremely citrusy terps of the tangie mix with the more gassy funk of the stardawg to create some unique profiles down the line. The critical mass is obviously in the mix in an attempt to boost the yields. I've harvested seeds from both the crosses I've mentioned and am waiting for my tent to open up before I plant out any F1s.
I’m about to set a tent up to breed some autos. It’s been really tough where I’m at getting seeds so I feel it’s a must. I have somango xxl autos and I have 2 cash crop autos. I’m going to do two of each. I’ll ts or cs one of each and use the pollen to then pollenate the other. Once I do that a few times picking the best MAYBE I’ll try to cross the somango and the cash crop.
Auto fems and photo male = photo reg seeds

Have u grown any of these seeds yet
Haven't grown the seeds yet. F1s will for sure all be photos. I'm going to create a couple of inbred lines so I plan to carry them forward five or six generations, selecting for autos and the other traits I mentioned along the way
I’ve been playing around with making seeds, mainly to save money and hunt through my genetics to find my most favorite phenos. Even though I still buy seeds lol. But I have a ton of seeds for cheap that I made so my thinking is that as I go and find more plants that I really like, I’ll breed with those and my seeds will keep betting better over time.
Can I ask what’s the appeal with autos?
I just want them for outdoor next year. None of my plants got to finish this year so I’m eliminating that problem. I’ll still run photos outdoors next year too but this guarantees me a harvest.
Yeah good to diversify, I was thinking indoor only. Sorry about your outdoor plants this year. I’m primarily an indoor grower and experiment with outdoor and it’s a totally different deal for sure. Making seeds outdoor is a lot less stress compared to indoor to me, at least the actual pollination bc I do that well away from my no seed plants.
Yeah good to diversify, I was thinking indoor only. Sorry about your outdoor plants this year. I’m primarily an indoor grower and experiment with outdoor and it’s a totally different deal for sure. Making seeds outdoor is a lot less stress compared to indoor to me, at least the actual pollination bc I do that well away from my no seed plants.
Yeah the breeding set up will be at a completely different location than my veg and flower tents. And thanks it’ll be better next year!
I'm interested in autos for a few reasons. First off given my living situation I can throw two autos on my deck but can't really plant any monsters in the yard. Its fun to have them on the deck tho and just watch em grow and pull a decent little harvest (a combined 8 oz in 9 weeks). And I've got time to do that two or three times in a Summer. Also, in terms of my somewhat limited indoor space autos have some appeal. I only have room for one tent. Therefore I'm not interested in holding onto a mother plant/taking/growing clones...dropping a few seeds in soil is easier than taking clones anyways so that's chill. I do appreciate the homogeneity that clones offer, however. My goal is to create an inbred line, which will involve mating sibs over numerous generations. 1/2 of all alleles will be fixed (become homozygous) every generation so after 6 generations 99.9% of loci will be homozygous and the populations should be homogenous. We'll see what happens. I anticipate this process will take about 16 months if I don't miss a beat but since it combines a few of my favorite things, genetics, plant biology, and of course MJ, it should be fun...its about the journey after all :grin: