What Are My Ladies Doing?


I'm pretty protective of my ladies. This is my first grow so I'm still unsure of many things. I'm just worried about them.

All the leaves on all the plants were pointing about 90 degrees or below before I watered them with nutrients. About an hour after I watered them with nutrients, the leaves lifted up towards the light to about 45 degrees as shown in the pictures. I'm not sure if its a problem or they're just trying to grab the Raptor reflector because its so sexy.

I KNOW leaves usually lift up after being watered but I never had my ladies lift as high as they just did tonight. Light too far, too close, etc?

They're about 21 days into flowering. Using 1000 watt HPS. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks!



Thanks for the info, but it's been like three hours and they keep going higher and higher, lol. Here's a new picture. Is the light too high? Should I lower the light?



I SHOULD raise the light up? Or you're saying the reason why they're doing that is because the light has already been raised? lol..