What are people smoking?


Just a quick thread new to this thread thing jusst wondering what are peoples favourite smoke. i like the auto afghan kush ryder from world of seeds


Well-Known Member
Ladyburn 1974 and ET Grapefruit krush soon to be smoking Barney's acapulco gold.


Im Liking the variety here in the u k everyone just seems to be smoking the cheese! which i think is so boring they do have very dense buds. does anyone know what buds can be as dense as cheese?


Well-Known Member
Im Liking the variety here in the u k everyone just seems to be smoking the cheese! which i think is so boring they do have very dense buds. does anyone know what buds can be as dense as cheese?
bubba 76, has really dense nugs, whacked my buddy with the main cola, knocked his head back a bit lol. denser than cheese