What are some fast growing plants...


Active Member
I am growing some Bell Peppers and Romaine right now but would like to grow some plants that are fast growing and can be harvested without killing the plant. something maybe like basil or something? What can be grown, harvested, and it reproduce for another harvest within a month or so?

Hopefully someone can shed some light on this...


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Tomatoes will put out til the first frost, longer if you cover them. Right now the best thing to plant is spring cabbage, spinach, turnips, and oriental vegetables. Also Garlic.


Well-Known Member
Rosemary is a perennial, it'll stay alive year after year, and grows very strong and fast with minimal maintenance if given lots of sunlight and some time to establish a good root system.

Mint (anything in the mint family) is a fast growing weed (a pest in some gardens) that can grow just about anywhere and will refuse to die even if you spend years trying to kill it! It spreads through the roots and likes to take over, so consider growing mint in a pot. It'll also grow year round.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Rosemary is a perennial, it'll stay alive year after year, and grows very strong and fast with minimal maintenance if given lots of sunlight.

Mint (anything in the mint family) is a fast growing weed (a pest in some gardens) that can grow just about anywhere and will refuse to die even if you spend years trying to kill it! It'll also grow year round.
I've had Sage take over half my front yard and overtake shrubs.


Active Member
I guess I should have mentioned I am growing hydroponically, a big determinate of the answers I will receive i'm sure lol. I am looking at herbs for sure...basil, mint, and similar.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
I guess I should have mentioned I am growing hydroponically, a big determinate of the answers I will receive i'm sure lol. I am looking at herbs for sure...basil, mint, and similar.
yeah, that would have made a huge difference LoL. I'd go with tomatoes, pref. cherry tomatoes. At this time of year you'll have to order them online


New Member
Lemon Balm, Catnip, radishes(you need to replant as you harvest but they yield fast from seed), bean sprouts, turnips(you can harvest a few greens from each plant as the turnip itself matures) ect..........

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
Mints like pepper mint , spear mint , candy mint , apple mint and such. Basils , peppers , lettuces since some can take around 45 days to harvest but you can harvest over time to.


Well-Known Member
Cool beans. I may even put some little lettuces in my grow room. I just have to watch cuz I'm such a ditz. I'll end up putting midnight Kush on my BLT by mistake.


Active Member
Cress looks fun. I wonder if a few seeds in one rooter plug would work? I wouldn't want to spend 10 rooters on such small plants. I may have to order me some of those...Possibly do some Miracle Grow party cups with a few seeds in each or something?

Edit: this brings up another question...

If you only need to use say, 10 rapid rooters but have a heating pad and dome for the rooter tray, is it fine to use just those 10 and flood the whole tray and use as you would if all 50 were being used? I don't want to germ 5 or 10 seeds and lose the rest of the rooters....


Elm hybrids, Larch, Hydrangea, Pine Oak and spirea are fast growing trees. Virginia Creeper, Honey suckle are fast growing vines. If you want the fastest growing shade tree, try Norway Maple.

Laser Treatment


Well-Known Member
Nice thread topic! I started toms & peppers inside last year. It was not much but just that experiance will help a lot this year.

Ive learned tons growing cannabis indoors that is gonna improve all my grow skills.
IMO everyone should start growing something they will consume (besides the herb)
I have a feeling those skills will be of great benefit in the near future.