What are some good every day smokable strains

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
Querkle 8-10 weeks
Agent Orange- 9-11 weeks
Purps- 8-10 weeks
Orange Skunk- 8-9 weeks
Brainstorm haze g13- 12-14 weeks
Armageddon- 8-10 weeks
Killing FIelds- 10-12

all of these smoke well, have somewhat slow tolerance buildup and produce medium- high yield. they ain't too hard on the lungs either, great smokes all of them.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Searched all of them and Liked Fantaseeds Armageddon I will keep this for my next grow, Also saw some Doggies Nuts Armageddon x Doggies Nuts Sirius seeds 10 seed costs 470 Euro its about 500$ lol thats crazy.