what are some ways to cover your high???


Well-Known Member
So last night i hung out with my girlfriend and some friends from school and we watched movies, well one of my good friends showed up last night about 1230, and he was blazed outta his mind, well he was good at covering it up and i was too distracted with my girlfriend too notice, but i asked how he can tell when i am high. he said that it was my eyes cause they were red and stuff. i always put visine in my eyes when im going to be around people ( i have bottles all over the place.) so when do you think in would be a good time to put visine in? and any there any other tricks or ideas you have?

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
oh yeah...im really baked too
Hard to impress the marijuana forum by being really baked.

Anyways, RhotoV [in the green box] drops, don't ramble on about stuff, use short answers but be pleasant, mention how tired you are if someone asks indirectly if you're high, if anyone asks directly if you're high tell them, "I'm not a loser, I have better things to do than smoke weed."

Oh yeah, and the RhotoV eyedrops feel really interesting when you apply them and about 15 minutes afterwards. It's the blue box that burns. They feel especially cool when you're stoned to the bone.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
ill have to try these eyedrops some time...sound interesting
Another thing to cover your high is not leave up the marijuana forum when your GF shows up, or your mom, or your grandma, or whoever you don't want to know you're high. Pack paraphernalia away obviously, but make a mental checklist for after you smoke, take care of the shit right after you smoke then enjoy your high, stealth-like ha ha.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Ya what Spider man said is really good. Also always make sure to wash your hands and or put lotion on to cover the smell, cause your hands are usually smelly.

Also i find it better to put the eye drops in before you smoke, maybe thats just me though.


Active Member
Don't use Visine. One of the worst eyedrops on the market due to the preservative they use. Systane or Systane ultra is what you want.

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
Stonercessitiesz..... Wel mines when I need em clear eyes, polar ice gum... Bottle of cologne that stays in my whip...


Well-Known Member
I use Visene Advanced Care.

If anyone asks if I am high I ALWAYS say "I wish." That shuts anyone up.

I am not ashamed of my cannabis use so I usually rock it out squinty red-eyes and don't give a fuck what people think.