What are the Benefits of Planting in Small Container then Moving it to a Bigger One?


I've heard it's smart to plant in a small container and let it grow for a couple weeks then transport it to a larger (3gal for me) one. what are the benefits of this or is it even necessary?


doing it in a bigger pot is better, the less you have to handle the roots the better and more happy she will be :)


Well-Known Member
the reason u should start with a small container, is it is easier to maintain, especially when it comes to watering. The #1 killer of MJ plants by newbies is overwatering. With a small pot, u water until it runs through, & then u don't water again until the container is light; u quickly learn how "hefting" or watering by weight is the easiest method to know when ur plants actually needs watering. small containers & specifically the 16 oz party cups r so popular for this reason, as well as they r easy to move around, u can easily fit many into small areas, & r easy to remove for transplant. And finally ur not wasting or watering a large amount of soil for a seedling & it helps to plant ur seedling in a fresh pot of soil, that either hasn't had it's supplied nutrients partially depleted, nor has the added weeks of potential adding of nutrients that increases the chances of salt buildup. So u see there r many reasons why most growers start with small pots.


New Member
i believe its not to stress the plant as much if you keep moving your pot size up as root system grows you wont have the shock period if you were to move up in a drastic measure thus giving your plants a non stop growth if you were to lets say go from a 1" tray to a 12 " pot the plant will stop growing for a number of days dealing with its shock to such a big pot

rule of thumb is 1" to 2 " to 4 " then to your final pot but every time you transplant not to disdurb the the roots by this meaning leaving the soil in place and moving to next size bigger pot


Well-Known Member
i put in small containers (start with plastic cups , then one or 2 gal container than 5 gal container , i have noticed that going from the plastic cups strait to 5 gal pot caused a longer rooting period ..i wont be doing it again


Well-Known Member
Use a small pot first. If you put it straight into a large pot it takes a lot longer for soil to dry out as the small root system isnt using it for a month or so, by putting it in small pot first it dries quicker allowing more air to the roots. This is better than a large pot that will stay wet too long for that size plant.


thanks for all the help everyone

if I plant in a cup (using some top soil that I just picked up from the ground) then after a couple weeks transported it into a 3gal container (using FFOF) that would be legit?


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the help everyone

if I plant in a cup (using some top soil that I just picked up from the ground) then after a couple weeks transported it into a 3gal container (using FFOF) that would be legit?
Yeah that would be fine, just make sure you water it and hold the stem at the its base between your fingers upside down and slide it out :P Although if I were you I would have put them in the Ocean Forest in the first place even in a small container (like a 16oz red part cup full of ocean forest). They will grow a lot better that first couple weeks in the cup with ocean forest than with dirt ;) (especially since we know it has microorganism goodies added into it). The best thing you can ever add in soil is some Mykos, will make any plant way happier with whatever soil you give it.


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the help everyone

if I plant in a cup (using some top soil that I just picked up from the ground) then after a couple weeks transported it into a 3gal container (using FFOF) that would be legit?
I would advise against bring outside dirt (and potential bugs) into ur growroom; never a good idea. yes u can grow them from the cup through about 3 weeks comfortably & then transfer to a final 3g pot. When I transplant them, I actually cut down both sides of the cup, gently pull the cup apart & lift out the contents, which I transplant into the bigger pot. good luck w/ur grow.