What are the best auto seeds for CFL?


Active Member
I am recently starting a CFL grow and my first indoor grow. I am not using alot of lights, jus two 42 watt cfls for two plants. Im not looking for a huge yeild, I just want a decent yeild that i dont have to pay 50+ dollars an 8th for. Ive heard that Low Ryder is a good choice for a CFL grow and is one of the easiest to grow indoor. Ive heard that the quality has alot to be desired but once again, its $50 for mids around here...lol anyways, i was wondering if anyone had any expierence with using autos and low wattage cfls. Ive done plenty of reserch and understand the spectrums and lumens. i also have researched enough to know that im only gonna be able to do so good with 2 42 watt cfls. im only looking for a decent yeild of some decent smoke that dont cost me a fourtune. Anyone had a similer grow or luck with curtain strains. any feedback apprieciated.

Thank You


Active Member
im actually gonna use to 65 watts....i know that isnt much of a difference.....jus lookin for some help or suggestions....didnt think my question that stupid..