What Are The Best Hardware Store Fertilizers For My Plants.


I'm going to make an attempt at a guerilla garden this spring. I live deep in the south eastern U.S. where there are no grow stores, dispenseries, or anywhere that I can find marijuana fertilizers. I cannot get stuff shipped to my house either. (Even if I could, I don't think that I would for security purposes.)

what will the girls like best for maximum potential?
you don't need a grow store or dispensary...you should have hardware stores around that sell potting soil and fertilizer...read some grow guides and you'll be fine ;)
you can get peat moss, dolomite lime, perlite, and alaskan fish emulsion at menards and or home depot

there has to be a nursery somewhere in the dirty south that you can get soil from
Experienced gardeners knows that getting the most out of plants requires some kind of fertilizer. According to State University, "fertilization is necessary to supplement naturally occurring essential mineral elements in the soil to maintain an optimum supply for plant growth." There are many brands of fertilizers on the market these days, each offering advantages and disadvantages depending on the types of plants and the soil components. Many companies now offer both eco-friendly organic and non-organic fertilizers.

Miracle Grow!!!!Seems to work for me. Becareful though there are many different kinds or strengths should I say.Start out with a very small amount an week in strength. Petes is another good one to use. Im also in the eastern south of these U.S.
Get some 3-4 month osmocote and top dress with it. It will last the season and give your plants quality nutes. With this stuff it activates in warm weather(and rain) and doesnt release in cold weather. Not cheap about 6x more expensive than standard ferts.
miracle grow, all purpose for veg, bloom booster for flower.use small side of spoon per gal. or i hear scotts brand also should be found almost anywhere i can a say mg does work its cheap and you can find it almost anywhere.hope this helps.
Miracle Grow!!!!Seems to work for me. Becareful though there are many different kinds or strengths should I say.Start out with a very small amount an week in strength. Petes is another good one to use. Im also in the eastern south of these U.S.

I used MG for several years, all their products basically suck except their perlite. If you must use MG soil, mix it 50/50 with unfertilized top soil or equal...otherwise it will overfeed.
I use ordinary all purpose or general purpose granular garden fertilizer for my outdoor grows. The numbers on the label are usually 10-10-10. Depending on the brand, might be 8-8-8 or 20-20-20. But you see the pattern, how the numbers are all the same. That's nigrogen-phosphorous-potassium (N-P-K). You could also use a 5-10-5.

If you prefer organic slow release, the Hollytone fertilizers are very good though pricey.

Hardware stores usually have a gardening section. You ought to be able to find fertilizer there. You don't need any kind of special "marijuana" fertilizer.
I used MG for several years, all their products basically suck except their perlite. If you must use MG soil, mix it 50/50 with unfertilized top soil or equal...otherwise it will overfeed.
Or you can just add more perlite. Or how bout just giving it water since the soil is already pre-nuted? I've done it, with great results. If you feed nutes in prenuted soil, your're asking for trouble.
the way i read it u meen outdoors, so. bloodmeal, bonemeal, greensand, dolomite lime should get you by, most trace minerals r in the soil....peace