What are the best lights for indoors in a soiless mix


Hi everyone:
I want some opinions and facts on the best lights indoors LED, MH, or HPS and If choosing an LED What are the best types? Ive noticed that their are alot of choices these days as Technology has advanced! and also what is the best and cheapest way of Co2 delivery in a closet area approx. 3deep X 5 wide X 7 tall ??? Using PRO-MIX ?
Thanx in advance:


Active Member
save your time and money you will just end up buying a mh/hps set up in the end if you want high yeilds and great buds imo
I strongly believe against using Metal Halides.

I once vegged in a room with a metal halide and an hps(400ws) and the plants grew taller AND tighter closer to the HPS, the same can be noted for budding in room with mixed lighting.

if you bring up UVB, MHs emit little to no detectable UVB, theyre shielded from that because theyre intended for human use, but they can produce UVB if for isntance they get broken. Theres a certain bulb they use for UVB in large reptile enclosures, such a bulb simulates the suns UVB at 3 feet
(if you were to touch the bulb or get close to it you would be experiencing like 10x the highest uv ever recorded naturally on earth)

Sorry about my rant. I will look for the proper place to have this argument, but to answer your question, IMHO Metal halides are only of use when the odd colour of HPS lights might attract attention.

Go with a High Pressure sodium, paint the room flat white and have 40 - 80 watts per square foot of HPS lighting, and you'll be set


Well-Known Member
IMO stay away from CFLs, unless you are maybe vegging up some clones or seedlings... then they are good since you can get them close and surround the plants without too much heat

I KNOW some people love them and are great at using them, but i would recommend against them and get a HPS system if you have the space for cooling the lights as they will get a bit warm


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone:
I want some opinions and facts on the best lights indoors LED, MH, or HPS and If choosing an LED What are the best types? Ive noticed that their are alot of choices these days as Technology has advanced! and also what is the best and cheapest way of Co2 delivery in a closet area approx. 3deep X 5 wide X 7 tall ??? Using PRO-MIX ?
Thanx in advance:
If you've got the room and want decent yield HID is the only way to go. ;-)
pro mix is what i use. straight out of the bag. Amazing results. Its the industry standard in commercial greenhouses. So you know its going to be good.

i used to mix in another 10% perlite, 10 % worm casting and some dolomite lime. All i noticed was that i needed to water more(more perlite) my nute levels were unstable(worm casting), but dolomite lime is a good add.

promix some dolomite... You will notice slighlty better results using proper fertilizers, but you will still get AMAZING results using something like 20-20-20 with some 15-30-15 and 15-15-30 to boost p/k, and anyone who claims otherwise is full of shit.

you have 15 square feet of grow space. Marijuana needs between 40-90 watts per square foot of High Pressure sodium lighting. a 1000 watt bulb would put you to 66.6 watts per square foot of HPS. which is what you need. Keep in mind that you may need to cool the room off somehow. your yeild is directly related to how much light you can get going in there. if for example you were to use a 600 watt, you would be getting 40 watts per square foot, and compared to a 1000 watt you lose four temths of your yeild


Well-Known Member
pro mix is what i use. straight out of the bag. Amazing results. Its the industry standard in commercial greenhouses. So you know its going to be good.

i used to mix in another 10% perlite, 10 % worm casting and some dolomite lime. All i noticed was that i needed to water more(more perlite) my nute levels were unstable(worm casting), but dolomite lime is a good add.

promix some dolomite... You will notice slighlty better results using proper fertilizers, but you will still get AMAZING results using something like 20-20-20 with some 15-30-15 and 15-15-30 to boost p/k, and anyone who claims otherwise is full of shit.

you have 15 square feet of grow space. Marijuana needs between 40-90 watts per square foot of High Pressure sodium lighting. a 1000 watt bulb would put you to 66.6 watts per square foot of HPS. which is what you need. Keep in mind that you may need to cool the room off somehow. your yeild is directly related to how much light you can get going in there. if for example you were to use a 600 watt, you would be getting 40 watts per square foot, and compared to a 1000 watt you lose four temths of your yeild
I agree with everything with pro-mix and 10-30-20(which contains no calcium).. Promix already has dolomite so you dont need to add unless using RO water. Most water contains some calcium and other minerals. Calcium def. is somewhat seldom indoors. But dont forgot about it. You need to add 1 oz(30ml) of dolomite lime to everygallon of soil(with no added lime already in it.)
Promix already contains dolomite lime and calatic limestone. It also contains benifitial organism call Mhycrosse. Its 85 % peat poss in weight and about 15 %perlite 5%vermiculite. Its foolproof and should be flushed once a month

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
I strongly believe against using Metal Halides.

I once vegged in a room with a metal halide and an hps(400ws) and the plants grew taller AND tighter closer to the HPS, the same can be noted for budding in room with mixed lighting.

if you bring up UVB, MHs emit little to no detectable UVB, theyre shielded from that because theyre intended for human use, but they can produce UVB if for isntance they get broken. Theres a certain bulb they use for UVB in large reptile enclosures, such a bulb simulates the suns UVB at 3 feet
(if you were to touch the bulb or get close to it you would be experiencing like 10x the highest uv ever recorded naturally on earth)

Sorry about my rant. I will look for the proper place to have this argument, but to answer your question, IMHO Metal halides are only of use when the odd colour of HPS lights might attract attention.

Go with a High Pressure sodium, paint the room flat white and have 40 - 80 watts per square foot of HPS lighting, and you'll be set
You're completely backwards with this... HPS are clearly rated for human use...
this is obvious in the fact that they are intended to achieve the highest LUMEN
rating. Lumens are a measurement for the Human eye and the Human eye
only.. Therefore it means nothing to a plant. HPS are basically street lamps
repackaged and labeled for Growing, notice how the orange spectrum is the same?

Metal Halides have full balanced light and are great for vegetative growth, I
use them in Flowering and have nothing but great results. They have a lower
lumen rating because the spectrum spikes which they achieve are not worth
as many Lumens as the spikes in the HPS. But like I said, the spikes in the HPS
don't mean as much to a plant as people think. Go with a 600-1000 Watt MH
with a Digital MH/HPS switchable ballast and you won't be disappointed, the good
thing is Bulbs are inexpensive and if you for some reason don't achieve good
results with the MH you can always buy an HPS and flower with that.

cme 1978

i agree ive been growing with mh lights and hps lights never ever had bad results . i heaqrd alot about these led but everybody ive talked to tells me it has a long way to go to ever catch up to hid lamps even the guy at the hydro storer says the same hid is the way toi go.
You're completely backwards with this... HPS are clearly rated for human use...
this is obvious in the fact that they are intended to achieve the highest LUMEN
rating. Lumens are a measurement for the Human eye and the Human eye
only.. Therefore it means nothing to a plant. HPS are basically street lamps
repackaged and labeled for Growing, notice how the orange spectrum is the same?

Metal Halides have full balanced light and are great for vegetative growth, I
use them in Flowering and have nothing but great results. They have a lower
lumen rating because the spectrum spikes which they achieve are not worth
as many Lumens as the spikes in the HPS. But like I said, the spikes in the HPS
don't mean as much to a plant as people think. Go with a 600-1000 Watt MH
with a Digital MH/HPS switchable ballast and you won't be disappointed, the good
thing is Bulbs are inexpensive and if you for some reason don't achieve good
results with the MH you can always buy an HPS and flower with that.
I wasnt saying that i didnt get good results with a MH. They perform wonderfully. I Just get more growth per watt from HPS, even in veg. The reason for this is HPS puts out more use able light to the plant then MH / Watt
you cant dispute this "claim"...fact until you have tried using both

Your buying into capitalist marketing. Do a test for yourself, get two new bulbs of equal wattage, and in identical grow rooms, Grow Clones from on plant vegetatively for a certain period of time.

then harvest the whole plants from the soil line up and dry them quickly. Compare dry weights. 500$ if you can document a test that displays MH will have better results in veg than HPS of equal wattage(im serious if you do an unbiased test and im wrong i will paypal it to you.)

There is one reason(other than personal experience) that i believe HPS superior to MH in every aspect except for the minimal UVB MHs produce. For those of you that are canadians, im Sure you know of Marc Emery, or his retired magazine cannabis culture. Ed Rosenthall wrote the grow section for Cannabis Culture. Read a few of these mags, I'm sure Mr. Rosenthall can explain better than I can.