what are the chances..


Hey everyone! I am new to the site and thinking of ordering just a 5-10pack of seeds online for a 1 time only grow(personal use). But im very hesitant because of this feeling that all of the seedbanks are being monitored by the police. What are the chances of having my house raided if they are looking into someone who has a completely clean record and has provided many hours of voluntary community service in the past? I am not a criminal and do not wish to be turned into one for just a few harmless plants :weed:


Well-Known Member
Welcome,there is little chance of you being raided for ordering seeds,but the minute you plant them you ARE a criminal.
say bro my advice is to find a good close trusted buddy or somethin and order seeds to there address, that is if they agree, tell em they will be tooken care of at harvest, an jus to let ya know its only a misdemeanor to god forbid get caught with the seeds, although nobody ever has been convicted on ordering seeds, usually worst thing tohappen although pretty unusal is ul get a letter fromus customs tellin ya ur contraband has been confiscated, and ask u to give consent to destroy, jus disregard that little letter toss in trash, cause if u were to sign that would be admitting guilt, not really to much to worry bout n my opinion, tellin ya from personal exp....


Well-Known Member
whats more risk?
#1 you mail them to a "friends" house
#2 you mail them to your house,and no one knows about it.


Active Member
IMO you are safe. Dude, they are after the guys who produce massive quantities. You'll be A O K.


is it true that it costs thousands upon thousands of dollars for the whole process of raiding the home and prosecuting the victim in court? if so then i think you guys are right..it wouldnt be worth it at all to fuck with me