What are the consequences of Growing?


Active Member
yea dot get the hell out of here...obviously you are far more preoccupied with "getting high" and watching your itunes visualizer. there are millions of people in this country who suffer from anxiety and depression. it definitely helps. do you have anxiety or depression? didnt think so cunt nugget


Well-Known Member
Where i'm from i th good ole usa it seems they for the most part look the other way. as long as you're not runnin wholesale ops and keep it on a "personal level" I say no need to worry. No one....no one needs to know what you do behid the doors of your own home. Discretion and an ounce of common sense.


Well-Known Member
dot ur a troll. nobody mentioned the word "cure" until you did.
and nobody is expecting mj to "cure" it..otherwise y get a medcard or even smoke mj regularly..because just the 1 time and youd be "cured".


New Member
you guys are idiots all i did was give him a solution to his delema... he was worrying about getting caught and i told him if he didnt do 3 things he "couldent" get caught. then ppl try starting shit...... as for the "not a cure thing" then why the fuck take it... im sure i could come up with a million things that "help/blind" you from your ailes... if your depressed and you eat alot it can mask the feeling... it doenst mean you should fuckin do it... if everyone with depression smoked legally in the US then it would already be legalized because most of the fuckin united states has depression so dont get mad at me for stating an oppinion... fuckin kids


Active Member
I can tell you here in WA state which is the most liberal of all approved states... you CANNOT GET A CARD for anxiety and/or depression or ANY MENTAL DISORDER. Read my original post again and maybe the same sort of situation applies to you. You must have a qualifying medical condition and honestly im sick of kids fabricating some bs and making asses outta themselves which only hurts legitimate users in the public eye....

heres Californias:

The medical marijuana journal/newspaper O’Shaughnessy, spring 2004, lists the following conditions for which the California physicians found marijuana use to be effective: (1) AIDS wasting syndrome, (2) arthritis, osteo- and rheumatoid, (3) asthma (while not burning cannabis), (4) Crohn’s disease/inflammatory bowel disease, (5) depression, (6) mental illness--schizophrenia (pro and con articles have been reported), (7) degenerative neural diseases, (8) eating disorders/anorexia, (9) epilepsy/seizures, (10) glaucoma, (11) intractable breathlessness, (12) migraine, (13) multiple sclerosis, (14) nausea and vomiting, (15) obstetric problems (dysmenorrheal, morning sickness, uterine bleeding, and antimiscarriage), (16) pain, of all types, (17) phantom limb pain, (18) tumors ( blockade of a carcinogenesis enzyme), and (19) withdrawal symptoms of alcoholism, morphinism, cocaine addiction, chloral hydrate addiction, etc. (and probably tobacco addiction).


Active Member
The medical marijuana journal/newspaper O’Shaughnessy, spring 2004, lists the following conditions for which the California physicians found marijuana use to be effective: (5) depression, (6) mental illness i think it is a shame that some people to abuse the system, however the good always outweighs the bad. one person lies about a problem, and 100 get treated for actual problems. you will always hear about the negatives.


Active Member
I agree that they found it effective... theres no doubt about that. However the state does not consider mental illness a qualifing factor for any medical marijuana authorization.

In other words... you simply cant get med authorization (its NOT a prescription) for mental illnesses... you MUST meet one or more of the QUALIFYING conditions, and as of yet there is NO mental disorder that is a qualifying condition.

But i do HIGHLY agree that it does successfully treat my hypervigilance...without a doubt.. and hopefully in the future a broader range of conditions (including mental illnesses) will be added to the qualifying conditions list.