What Are The Going Rates For Fresh Mushrooms?

General Anesthetic

Well-Known Member
I'm sure this question has been asked before, but what are the going rates for fresh magic mushrooms per weight? And how much will the average person need to eat fresh to trip.


Well-Known Member
in the USA, fresh mushrooms are hard to find, $1-3 per gram, at least, someone might pay $5/g... it's hard to estimate, no one sells/buys fresh mushrooms, except Amsterdam? if a person really wanted fresh mushrooms, it could be expensive.

a light dose would be ~10g (fresh), medium 15-20g, high 25-40g


Well-Known Member
I live in the US and all i mess with / distribute is fresh mushrooms. 20g is a good trip. 1$ gram, they come/go fast


Well-Known Member
That is simply insane...I'm sorry for people in florida(not really, they grow like crazy there dont they?)

yes they do! thats why i pick them instead of payin for them. and surprisingly their is alotta feilds here... but you have to know which ones are treated


Well-Known Member
supply vs. demand

not many people can grow mushrooms, not many people can pick mushrooms

therefore mushrooms are expensive

"i remember when a dime bag cost a dime" :) nevermind


Active Member
I have never paid for shrooms in my life, i just go to ayers rd. in masaryktown, in Hernando county, FL the entire road is nothing but pastures. Pick them dry them out make shroom tea and start seeing multicolored grass blades, flying rabbits, and my friends cat talking! May not be your way to go, i just personally cant eat wet shrooms, i gag to bad to even swallow. On a good night you might meet 10 to 15 people out there doing the same thing you are, and you can usually walk away with 4 or 5 ounces if you know the right areas to look and what to look for. if anyone in the tampa, st. pete, clearwater area i just let you in on one of the biggest secrets for that area ;) careful though lots of cops drive up and down that road trying to see your flashlight out there! sont say i didnt warn you if you get caught. Happy Hunting.


Well-Known Member
I had a friend get shot with a salt gun for being on private property picking shrooms.. It shoots a pellet of salt it gets in you and burns like crazy


Junior Creatologist
by fresh you mean still wet right? i cant get those in my area, all thats around are dried shrooms - but theyre fuckin fantastic. they go for about $20 for a 1/8. Last time i had fresh shrooms was when i was in Amsterdam on my honeymoon, n i gotta say, they weren't the best shrooms ive ever had. They made my poop have a blue tint to them though..


Well-Known Member
20-25 bucks an eighth in l.a.. always dry as bones. i usually only eat an eighth of an ounce at a time.

actually i have seen them for 15 in venice. decent standard quality.