What are the kids calling it these days?

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Nobody likes an I told you so... BUT..........................................LOL

Pretty neat shit, aint it??


Well-Known Member
See, I think I handled the mushrooms pretty good too cause I was freaking out for about 10 seconds. I got through it because I had a firm grasp on 'reality' and I was very sure of myself. I worried that the acid might be so intense that I'll lose my grasp on reality. The idea that 'this is the effect of mushrooms' and 'none of this is real' was like an anchor keeping me grounded to the real world. No matter how crazy things got, I always new I was on drugs and that none of it was real.
If I lose that....I'm F-U-C-K-E-D.

I always say mushrooms have a much higher potential for a freak out than lsd. lsd is sooo lovely.. its just fantastic. ;) Smoking marijuana during the come up can elevate the levels of anxiety you feel during this period. for those not to experinced with hallucinogens, smoking a ton during come up may not be the best idea.


Well-Known Member
i find certain herb i have has anti anxiety effects for come ups

and certain herb exacerbates it


Well-Known Member
i find certain herb i have has anti anxiety effects for come ups

and certain herb exacerbates it
I haven't really compared different strains, for me it allways potentiates it.. which strains had the opposite effect for you?


Well-Known Member
LA Woman is very anti-anxiety
while tripping??? or just in general.

see my guess is the strain with the lowest amount of thc, or if possible almost zero thc and higher amount of cbd may be able to give some anti anxiety effects.. while tripping I mean.

see normally MJ should not have these effects while on another hallucinogen.

THC will potentiate those effect of the hallucinogen your on.. in other words make you trip harder. it works for me everytime. and jwh 018... holy cow does that up the anty.

I have my doubts that any MJ could actually be fixing anxiety during a trip.. (aside from some type of mental association, placebo effect) But thats only cause I have never experinced it myself.. also I dont really want it to ;)

short wiki excerpt
Cannabinoids (CB-1 cannabinoid receptor agonists)The cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and related compounds are capable of activating the brain's endocannabinoid system. Some effects may include a general change in consciousness, mild euphoria, feelings of general well-being, relaxation or stress reduction, enhanced recollection of episodic memory, hunger, increased sensuality, increased awareness of sensation, creative or philosophical thinking, disruption of linear memory, paranoia, agitation, and anxiety, potentiation of other psychedelics, and increased awareness of sound, patterns and color. They are more similar to the above categories as dose increases.


Well-Known Member
my bag seed cut has high anti anxiety effects but it may very well be high in cbd


RIU Bulldog
So I order two hits and the guy ended up sending me one for free. I've been waiting for a few years now so I couldn't wait anymore. I dropped the free hit about 20 minutes ago. I'm gonna take the other two this weekend. Is that long enough to wait.
My eyes feel funny :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
5- 7 days for redosing of seritonergics usually

so if you wait till saturday youl be golden specially cause youd be taking the same blotter but 2 of them


RIU Bulldog
So I dosed at 12:20pm PST and it's 2:50 now. 2 1/2 hours to feel effects. It's coming in waves...the waves are lasting a little longer each time. For some reason when I sit at the computer I feel really WEIRD....lol I'm fuckin cheesin hahahahaha
Does acid usually take this long?


Well-Known Member
your past coming up acid usually was waves for me but you should ahve a sustained peak soon but if anything sounds like it was in the 100 mic range


RIU Bulldog
your past coming up acid usually was waves for me but you should ahve a sustained peak soon but if anything sounds like it was in the 100 mic range
So then you're saying I should definitely take the other two...?


Well-Known Member
Acid,,,Hmmm,,,Prob some rec. shit,,,I have thought I ate real acid a while ago,,,,Naw It was not,,,I have not ate real acid since the Mid-90's,,,Back than you could eat a half a hit and fly eat 2,,,say goodbye to everything you thought was real!


Well-Known Member
no no save the other 2 it wouldnt be worth spacing the peaks just take this for a feel good effect now and wait acouple days

and do both the next time and youll be much better off

you basically just tested the quality of it for the actual trip your gonna take