What are the kids calling it these days?


Well-Known Member
I have come across a guy who has some in liquid. Is there a way to tell how good it is or if its even actual lucy
Nope. Just have to try it. People say all kinds of things, like they can taste it, or their back. You wont know till you start tripping. If its in liquid, its common to be in sweet breath. The breath mint drops.A lot of times those people will just bless you for nothing. Ive seen them walking through raves and helping out a whole corridor of people. Was pretty sweet,pun intended!

One way to tell is, price and quantity. If this person says hes got sheets and can sell them to you for 50 bucks a pieces, hes probably about to rip you off.Its almost always the case, if its too good to be true it probably is when it comes to L. Just dont buy a lot at once the first time. And never give up your money unless you see what you are buying in front of you. No go young sky walker:clap:


Well-Known Member
you cant test lsd with a marquis reagent test, it should turn dark olive green/black.

that color will make more since to you once you seen it.