What Are The Police Most Likely To Do

no, other than a ball cap. "they" would have to be able to connect your face to a name or a vehicle. i only put 1 or 2 plants per site also. hardly worth it for them to fuck with. couple of years i did put cameras out, but not any more. just rely on the remoteness and in-accessibility of site as a deterrent. ALWAYS maintain situational awareness.
You have money for a game camera? Get a few from the interwebs (camo color) and set them up in a perimeter. They detect motion and take still shots when something triggers them.

Also pretty sure you can check most of them from anywhere with an internet connection.

This way you *know* if some asshole is going to cause trouble. Or, at least you have a better shot at being prepared.
Let nature tell you if something isnt right. Track the perimeter. Look for signs of bumbling cops. You know how they roll, 5 or 6 narcs wandering the woods, "investigating" the sceen.... Going to leave tracks on the ground, broken foilage around the area, tampped down grass & weeds.... as you get closer to the location, if there are signs of traffic in the area, turn around and head back... my 2 cents
Wow yup I remember harvest time, poop the pants time lol. Oh and no their not gonna sit out there and wait ..... Fuck its 10 plants lol. Are they on private property that you shouldnt be on? Do you need to park? The biggest issue would be them doing a drive by periodically so never park. Get dropped off. Bad choice of location if thats required fyi. Do you have any loose dirt that you can monitor traffic re foot prints. Good luck its gonna get tweaky lol. Next year find a lake thats got a creek entrance thats hidden from view and a large swamp surrounding it, journey up there and plant a few bags here and there. If your real paranoid on visiting the sight get a partner (not recommended but worked for me). Have buddy sit in another boat and watch the main lake. Take turns so your hair don't turn grey lol. Swamps are great and they have made me a fortune lol. Note: dont put the bags on beaver huts, it really pisses them off and they'll trash your plants :(.
Listen careful. I hunt a lot. The sound of the woods will tell you what's up. Squirells will bark at people. Birds scream and carry on at people. If the woods are quiet pay attention.

Listen to your gut. If its not right, drop it. On the other hand grow a pair and just accept the fact you may get popped.

Quit worrying. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

Carry a large can of black pepper with you. Sprinkle on your trail if they put dogs on you.

Practice moving silent in the woods. I've had a many hunters walk right by me.

You have to plan at least 4 routes to every patch. You can tie a thread across the paths at threes different spots. Put about 100 yards between each string. If you go in and all three threads are broken on a trail you're comprised.

Go get a scent killer kit. Soap, shampoo, deodorant, laundry detergent. Don't smoke or use any kind of perfume or chemicals on your self. Pay attention to the smells in the woods.

It all adds up. Take your time and pay attention.
Cut them down in the day. Don't over think it to much. Take a backpack with sealed plastic containers to store the bud till you get out of the bush otherwise it will stink.

If your really paranoid set up a bush camera. We have used them before on trails to see where the deer are going. They only flick on when movement is detected.
Hey paulie that was my answer.
think about it, of a hunter find a couple plants there's only like a 20 percent chance he does anything, 15 percent of that twenty he cuts them down and steals or destroys them, five of one hundred people will call cops and leave the plants.. Then the cops have to get you on camera twice to prove anything.. If you get busted while there deny deny deny just say you saw it and wanted to look if chopping make sure to have backpack with zip locks that have other stuff inside so you can say you happened to have them and cut the plant into the bag to turn it in.... They can prove nothing and you have no worries
I have a family now but when I was younger this is the part of things I used to love. The adrenaline pumping, the fear, the anticipation, the challenge of doing something where the consequences are great if I get caught. This type of endeavor makes you feel alive, embrace it and just go in there and cut them down like you own the place.
One time this guy went out to the swamp and found one plant pulled up roots and all. the guy turned around and went home then came back at 4 am. What they like to do is pull one plant. That way you think someone found the plants and then you pull everything and they catch you walking out of the woods. They do that quite often around here. They might set up trail cams though, times have changed. If they know its growing they wont let you walk out with it. So if they don't do the above they will pull them up. Every year someone plants a 1000 or so plants in my home state and the cops watch it to see who's coming and going. I personally think the cops planted it because its in the same area every year. I think they do it so they look like they're making a big bust and they get more money.
One time this guy went out to the swamp and found one plant pulled up roots and all. the guy turned around and went home then came back at 4 am. What they like to do is pull one plant. That way you think someone found the plants and then you pull everything and they catch you walking out of the woods. They do that quite often around here. They might set up trail cams though, times have changed. If they know its growing they wont let you walk out with it. So if they don't do the above they will pull them up. Every year someone plants a 1000 or so plants in my home state and the cops watch it to see who's coming and going. I personally think the cops planted it because its in the same area every year. I think they do it so they look like they're making a big bust and they get more money.
So did the guy get popped going out.
Nope :bigjoint: That was the only thing I could think of because all the rest were still there. Around the same time they did get a guy on a 4 wheeler the same way.
Dude. Chop it now and stop worrying. Premature baby buds are still smokeable and its better than NOTHING.
Dude. Chop it now and stop worrying. Premature baby buds are still smokeable and its better than NOTHING.
What??? Why??? He doesn't even know if its been compromised. Put on the big boy pants and get it when its done. Or yes dont get it and know you don't have the balls for it.
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One time this guy went out to the swamp and found one plant pulled up roots and all. the guy turned around and went home then came back at 4 am. What they like to do is pull one plant. That way you think someone found the plants and then you pull everything and they catch you walking out of the woods. They do that quite often around here. They might set up trail cams though, times have changed. If they know its growing they wont let you walk out with it. So if they don't do the above they will pull them up. Every year someone plants a 1000 or so plants in my home state and the cops watch it to see who's coming and going. I personally think the cops planted it because its in the same area every year. I think they do it so they look like they're making a big bust and they get more money.
Wow your cops need a hobby lol. Here They just fly around and go in a get it. They will stake out a big grow but thats far and few between.