what are the signs your plant needs food?


Active Member
im growing in soil and im 3 weeks into veg and im not sure there is food still in the soil how can i tell if its been flushed or not i wanna bang on the 12/12 now anyway but want to make sure its been flushed ??????


Well-Known Member
hi. what soil did you use? it should say on it if its pre loaded, when you say flushed do you mean depleated, in general flushing is when you pour plain water through the pots ie 5x the size of pots or so, your plants will show you when they are in need of food theres many signs colour, wilting, etc, ideally you want healthy plants before you switch to 12/12 so dont let them go hungry before you switch, perhaps a bit of searching or waiting for more experienced people but the more info you can list the better reply youll get,
good luck with the switch


Active Member
im confussed the top leaves have little brown yellow tips but are growing fine sum of the bottom leaves turned yellow and got really dry basicaly died so i dont no if its getting to much food or to little


Well-Known Member
hi, i see what your saying, top leaves look like a touch of nute burn whereas the bottom leaves have leached, is your ph ok? though at 3 weeks in have you actualy been feeding at all? what soil did you start in and maybe if you could put picture up wed be able to work it out,


Well-Known Member
hi, to be honest in my limited opinion id say the bottom leaves will die of anyway, it looks like they are purple stemed on the old leaves and i know some varietys are purple stemed, but i believe others feel that when its a oldish leaf it can show age, basicaly its done its job, you have lots of growth elswhere and unless it starts to spread upwards i wouldnt panic, if your in terra professional its a loaded soil that might just be a little hot for your clone but hey it looks like its going ok nice colour etc, id see if it levels out just make sure ph is ok, and remember you can always flush and then feed to rule out any deficiency etc,


Well-Known Member
also just noticed in you pics it looks like you have more then 1 are they both showing the same if?


Active Member
yes i have two one is showing it a little more then the other but yes both are showing signs what do u mean by purple stem is that ok i noticed it was purple to but didnt think anythink of it . its a strange one tho ennit cuz the tips are a tiny bit burnt so i dunno wat to do thanks for the halep tho mate


Well-Known Member
hi, well i reckon m8 that the soil was just a bit hot, clones are mad anyway i reckon that even tho they come from mature plants they still need a cooler soil to start with, but at the same time once theyre established they can get hungry, but your soil should be good for maybe 6 weeks its hectic i know but sometimes i reckon youve just got to let them sort themselves out, all the time you have new growth and the burn dosent get out of hand then youll be ok, remember you cant repair burn but you can stop it,
the purple stem thing is mad aswell as some varietys have blue in them and hence youll get purple stems and bud, also cold temps can do it, but in general its when a leaf has reached full maturity, as with yours its the lower ones i noticed, and of course theyre the older ones, so nothing to worry about, the fact both are showing it is in one way good as it would point to something they both have in common ie soil, food,
good luck


Active Member
thanks alot mate uv been a real help last thing if your still in hear i wanted to switch to 12/12 soon what would i do about adding in my flowering nutes if i think there is still the other nutes in there ?


Well-Known Member
hi m8 as far as that goes as youve not been feeding anyway i really wouldnt panic, even if you had been once you switch them just give them the bloom as directed, some people prefer to give say 50% strength at first, the main thing to remember is its easier to start softly with the feed as next feed you can always add more, i personally like to push the limit with bloom feeds bring it up to almost burning then notch back abit, feeding programs are there for a guide once you reckognise what your plant can handle then your there, ive never flushed on switch over and allways been fine,
good luck