what are them legal buds?


Well-Known Member
just seem the advert for the legal blueberry hybred buds, thet look like buds in the roll it up ad. what are they?.:roll:


Well-Known Member
Check this article on them out:

Fake buds exposed!

They're a total rip-off. Its basically various herbs stuck together on a stick with a resin. They label ordinary herbs by exotic nicknames to make it sound like some new plant. They don't grow like that, they just make it look like bud to rip-off stupid teenagers. If you want a legal high, just buy some Salvia.


Well-Known Member
good info, theres everything in the link i wanted to know. and i thought them fake buds were a pile of shit.


Active Member
Salvia is a smokable plant which will mess you up pretty bad for a couple mins. It can be bought at various strengths, the highest of which is 60x i think and the best part is that it's legal in most parts of the country.


Well-Known Member
salvia is some crazy ass shit dude... if you smoke it with a bong and make sure its extract on top of leaf and make sure to use a torch lighter, 1 big rip is all you should ever do. it will fuck you up beond beleif, make sure you have a sober babysitter because you will be completely incohearant , i have some 40x extract and also some 60x extract and that shit will send your ass too the fucking moon, i won't even smoke it anymore cause taht shit is so crazy. my friend took a rip and ended up babling incohearantly and drooling all over himself and my floor, which brings me to another point... sit on the floor so you don't have far to fall.

crazy shit (and it tastes like your smoking dried leaves from your yard)



Well-Known Member
I take that back.... I read up on it and it is a different strain of Sage. And apparently this shit is coming under extreme fire now as certain parents are linking their children suicide to it now....


Active Member
dude....Salvia is just Sage..

Salvia will make you trip the fuck out though dude. One of my freinds smoked that shit, he thought everything he had ever done wasnt real, and he saw his life as a book with the pages flying everywhere, and he, and the whole room, was being sucked into it. Another guy said he became a chair for 10 minutes.

I just ordered some 10x extract, its going to be crazy!


Active Member
I take that back.... I read up on it and it is a different strain of Sage. And apparently this shit is coming under extreme fire now as certain parents are linking their children suicide to it now....

Its just something to blame! When in fact, it was poor parenting, or emotional problems, that caused their kids to have suicidal thoughts. Drugs do not create new feelings, they only elevate feelings you already have. For instance, you never want to do LSD while in a bad mood, everyone knows that, you'll have a bad trip! But if you have good thoughts in your head, and an open mind, you'll probably have an amazing experience of transcendence. I hate people who always blame shit instead of growing up, and taking some fucking responsibility for their actions.


Well-Known Member
yes you cannot blame the drug, they will always be there, like somone said its the kids/persons upbringing if you ask me.