What are these? green, faded, looking spots on the leaf?


My first guess was that you were misting them while the lights were on making little burn spots, but if that's not the issue, then what are you feeding them?
Feeding them nothing. No nutes or ferts. They are 2 weeks old. Using Jiffy Mix Potting soil with perlite. Watering with bottled spring water.


Well usually yellowing spots is caused by either your pH being too low, or too high. So get a pH meter and some Dolomite Lime and keep the pH between 6 and 7.5


Any local hydroponics/gardening store near you. Same for the dolomite lime.

Try maybe a Home Depot, Ace Hardware, or simply search "Hydroponics" or "Gardening" through google maps followed by your area code.


Also, if and when you transplant to a bigger pot, I recommend either Schultz Pro Potting soil or Foxfarm.

Really great soils and if youre in the states, it should be sold locally as well.


Is there a way to do soil ph testing with litmus strips? I have access to unlimited supplies of this and would rather not spend more money on a device I may not need.


yeah that soil isnt really meant for cannabis but if you leach the hell out of it with proper Ph water,. then hit them with nutes like botanicare or canna or foxfarm nutrients . Something thats tried and true for/with cannabis. youll be cool.... Aphids will leave little spots, aswell as other bugs.. later


Is there a way to do soil ph testing with litmus strips? I have access to unlimited supplies of this and would rather not spend more money on a device I may not need.​
I'm assuming if you do it shortly after watering a pH strip will work just fine. Try and see. Or you could just test the pH levels of the water you're using and adjust if needed.

A pH, Light exposure, and Moisture all in one meter is only 7-8$
Definitely a good investment unless you're really that broke.


I already helped you with that. Those guys are just posting extra questions. It's a pH imbalance.

Good day.
FarmarCAL u were right man. I tested it out. It was 8.0 ha, so im switching to another kind of water. I used the bottle drop PH Meter. Thanks alot man.