What are these white fuzzy spots ?

The most frequently occurring plague in cannabis growshttp://www.marijuana-seeds.net/Marijuana-Guerrilla-Gardening.html is spider mite. A spider mite isn't an insect, as many people think, but actually a tiny spider. A spider mite is small, and difficult to discover for the inexperienced eye. But the damage caused is certainly visible. The mite feeds on the sap of the plant, mostly underneath leaves. White specks appear on the upper side of the leaf. After that, you can find spider mites on the undersides of the leaves, and on the stem of the plant. Spider mites make small webs, which you can detect by spraying with water. If there aren't to many spider mites, you can try to get rid of them by removing them by hand. A tedious job

spider mites

predator mite

Treating with insecticide generally gives a better result. In any case, repeat the application after a few days, otherwise, you risk the chance that the whole garden will be eaten. Spider mites can also be controlled with their natural enemy Phytoseiulus persimilis; a predator mite which feeds on spider mites. White flies are also a formidible opponent of the weed grower. It can't be repeated enough: control the climate, and take care of healthy plants. Then, insects will have the least chance to propagate.



Active Member
Definetly powdery mildew, get your humidity down. Go buy a sulfur burner and buy some sulfur as well. Then hang it in your room seal it and burn the sulfer for a few hours, should do the trick and shouldnt come back once you treat them
Definetly powdery mildew, get your humidity down. Go buy a sulfur burner and buy some sulfur as well. Then hang it in your room seal it and burn the sulfer for a few hours, should do the trick and shouldn't come back once you treat them
Ensure that you test first regardless of what you "think" have. Trying to use a sulpher burner when it isn't mildew is useless and, if it isn't mildew you'll have problems with the sulpher application. If your humidity is normal or low, mildew isn't the problem and while we are talking about mildew here, mildew seldom forms on plants growing indoors or in an area where there is sufficient air circulation as well even if its in a "wet" environment.

If it is mildew, FORGET the supher concept as that's overkill. Simply take a soft cloth and wipe the mildew off. Then adjust your humidity and improve the air circulation. Thats the best way to control it with no more than you have right now on the plant.


Dee Orama

I seem to be having the same problem as far as white powdery fuzz growing on the leaves as well as the stem of my plants. Ive been wiping them off but it seems to come back very quickly. I am growing indoors with a 4'x4'x7' tent. I have excelllent ventilation. I am thinking of using neem oil mixed with soap & water to spray the plants. I know to take them out from under the light and not put them back under until theyve dried, so I was thinking about doing that when I start to flower. Which would be in about another week or so. Any thoughts on how I should treat them or not treat them? Thanks

Sil Dil

Active Member
i had some powdery mildew (if youve decided thats what it is) similar to this, only on my stem however. I wiped it down with a very weak H2O2 solution and watered with the same solution once and it took care of the problem very effectively.


Active Member
definitely PM. once u can see it, its systemic and youre not going to get rid of it in that plant. neem oil slows it as it puts a layer on the leaf that makes it harder to grow. most likely the culprit is a large diference in temp between day and nite which causes humidity spikes.