What are these white spots??



Please help, this is a pic of my afgan goo and green crack. Theres been white spots like in the picture on the leaves. Not too much or on all the leaves but it still makes me worried because I plane on flowering them soon. Is this bad? I think it spread to the other plants... they are in week 4 with a CFL 125w. This is my first grow. Thanx for the help!!


I need to be a fucking acrobat for #3. Pics are really blurry but it looks like you watered them from the top and that is residue from the nutes dried on the leaves.


Active Member
your camera is out of focus, but It looks like powder mildew. Your humidity is prob too high and they have treatments for that stuff but treat it before you switch to flower. It will make your bud unsmokable/ VERY HARSH. You can sulfur treat them by buying sulfur and a sulfur burner and burn the sulfur for about 3-4 hours while making sure that your room is sealed.

Make sure its powder mildew


Active Member
Hard to tell from the photos but could this be dried residue from nutes while watering? Chalky white patches? If you get your leaves wet with nutrient treated water and it gets on something and dries the nutr\es leave a white power stain. try washing it off with water... Could be something else but that's what it looks like to me.


Well-Known Member
Can't really tell but it looks like it could be powdery mildew. Not trying to scare you, its just what first came to mind when looking at the your pics. Try taking a look around at pics of powdery mildew and compare it to whats on your plants.

Here is one example I found real quick:

If you find you have powdery mildew you can try Schultz Garden Safe Fungicide 3.


yea it looks like powdery mildew and has spread to all plants but its pretty small. do i still have hope? im gunna get the fungicide tomorrow along with my new 400w HPS!! whooo!!!


Thanks for the advice i will try that today. What % do i want my humidifier to be at? it stays between 25% to 32% after watering...


Well-Known Member
Your RH is @ 25% or so AFTER watering and you have mildew? WTF? That does not sound right to me. I thought lower RH would keep that shit from happening. You said its spread to all the plants now though...so its gotta be mildew. My head hurts....must...find...bubbler...


Active Member
I just had the same problem(powder mildew)Lucky I caught it only on one plant and fixed the problem before it spread ,One of my grower buddies gave me some fungicide from the hydro shop and I sprayed everplant,And clipped the powder mildew leaves off.My budy told me the mildew was caused by watering my plants at night and not running a fan during darkperiod(I would just shut my closet door)Problems gone now, I just run a fan at night And spray my plants ever 2 weeks