What are these yellow tips a sign of?? PICTURES


These are geting yellowish orange around the edges and on some tips. What is it and what should i do?

Also, do these look like they need any trimming?

Thanks for the help.

Im using 400w hps 2 ft above the tips.PH between 6-6.3 at all times.45/15 water drip.my temp runs at 78 humidity at 60.


Well-Known Member
we need allot more info than that to help you out here! first off what system are you running, what kind of light is on them, how long have they been in veg from rooting, how often are you watering them, what strength ferts are you running if any, what is the ph of the water and what are the ambient temps in your room? always happy to help but really need some symptoms to go by.


Well-Known Member
what is the res temp and the ph should be a little lower to about 5.6 personally and what do the roots look like if we can get a pic of that as well and what is the ppm or EC in your res


Well-Known Member
i would also try some ca/mg plus in there and lower ph to about 5.6 and get res temp around 68F and give it a cupple days and see if she perks up


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2084279View attachment 2084280

These are geting yellowish orange around the edges and on some tips. What is it and what should i do?

Also, do these look like they need any trimming?

Thanks for the help.

Im using 400w hps 2 ft above the tips.PH between 6-6.3 at all times.45/15 water drip.my temp runs at 78 humidity at 60.
If you turn off you hps before you take the picture it will be alot easier to see the ladies
Ok thanks all.so is it a clear need for ca/mg?

Also does anyone think I should trim those lower leaves hanging far out towards the bottom? Or any trimming at all?

Im getting this orange brownish build up on a couple, could this be dust from the hydroton? Or something the ca/mg would take care of?

There definetly growing but i dont have a way to test the temp of my reservoir right now. The water stays chiled in the lines most of the time and feels cool to the touch, hopefully its not too cold.

Any opinions on appearence?



Well-Known Member
I think your nutrients are out of whack, when in doubt change it out "rule number 1"

Move the light up another 8" to 12" from where it is now and feed only 25% of the recommended food to start, so mix up some new food at 25% and move the light up, that should sort it out. Keep you nutrients to the basics till you hit 12/12 and you should be fine.

Back away from the trimmer and do not take any leaves off at this point unless they are dead, let them fall off.


Active Member
It's hard to say, because it could be different things that are the opposite of each other.

Chances are, as young as they are, you're being overzealous and feeding them too much.
What are you feeding them, and do you know your EC or PPM? If you don't know, can you tell us exactly what you mix and what kind of water you use?

It's also possible that you have fed them correctly, but with pH fluctuating in a way that caused them to lock out something and "go hungry" despite being fed.

Or they could have a deficiency in Ca or Mg or both. Or they could be getting burned by that light that's big enough for flowering 4 foot plants and is possibly way too much for these little babies. Babies don't need that much light and it can work against them. In a natural grow they do way better with a nurse plant giving them shade at this stage.

I'm envious of your temperature. Here in Arizona we dream of a 70 degree room with a HID light.
Iv been using half of the recommended dose, Fox Farms Veg nutrients. They reccomend 2 tsp per gallon but iv been using 1 tsp per gallon.

Also iv just recently added a little ammount of cal-mag to help with some of the difficiencies i think iv been having. Iv been using purified water and iv been told that this type of water lacks certain minerals/nitrogen.

My 400 HPS lights are currently 30 Inches above these little guys. Am i simply burning them?

Mt Temperature stays around 78-79 with 2 6 Inch fans blowing directly over them. Humidity around 58-60

PH= 6.0-6.3


Heres a close up. Does this look like a deficiancy from the purified water iv been using? Or just some type of burning. I added some cal-meg+ about 2 hours ago.

Any help is appreciated


Well-Known Member
Put your hand over the top of the plant with the back of your hand to the light, do you feel any heat? Leave it there for at least 1 minute no heat than you light is OK. There to young to be giving them Cal-mag when you have no idea what your problem is, you can just be making it worse. What do you mean purified water? RO or Distilled? Should not matter as long as your using good nutrients at low concentrations. Your intrested in the chart on the LEFT as you can see you have lock out due to your pH. Get it down to at least 5.9.

Don't chase pH pick a range that works for you and stick to it. Say 5.4 to 6.0 than make adjustments.

PH chart.gif
Put your hand over the top of the plant with the back of your hand to the light, do you feel any heat? Leave it there for at least 1 minute no heat than you light is OK. There to young to be giving them Cal-mag when you have no idea what your problem is, you can just be making it worse. What do you mean purified water? RO or Distilled? Should not matter as long as your using good nutrients at low concentrations. Your intrested in the chart on the LEFT as you can see you have lock out due to your pH. Get it down to at least 5.9.

Don't chase pH pick a range that works for you and stick to it. Say 5.4 to 6.0 than make adjustments.

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I'm actually using purified water from a water store down the street.they have a pure water dispenser outside which makes it easy to refill.im thinking its filtered for drinking,what should I do to balance? I don't have a ppm meter yet.

Thanks for all your help too man.