what are YOU doing right now?

Running wires through concrete today, hot as fuck lol its 87f out, im sweating like a pig i cam bearly type on my phone without soaking it, but atleast its nice and windy today. Better believe i have a 12 pack waiting for me in the fridge for later lol20160613_145817-1.jpg
Don't care much about (most of) the other dumbass actors or lack of plot/quality, but after four beers and two joints these guys are killing it....

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Is there a specific event that's drawing crowds or are you just busking (to busk a move on your ensemble crush?) :-) Forgot, what city you in?

Chicago. This weekend there's a huge art fair downtown, we're going to pick a high traffic spot and go at it. During the week, we'll just hit the rush hour spots that like us. A few years ago, I busked for a living while I was getting my grow op together so I could quit my job. I was out there in rush hour crowds almost every day for a year straight, so I know well what works and what doesn't. Back then, it was strictly for maximum money in the shortest amount of time. This time, we're doing it more for fun and exposure, so the money we bring in isn't the top priority since I have plenty now. It's funny that when the pressure is off financially, I seem to make more money than before. Lack of desperation, I suppose ;)
Reformed schizo? ;)

Not reformed, I just made my peace with it. Gemini Power!

Reformed schizo? ;)
You know, I didn't sign up to cause problems, nor to start bullshit drama. You can clearly look and see I don't go around causing problems. Neither does the man that does the most of the growing. In any case I really don't see what that has to do with anything. We came on here to keep a journal of sorts of our grows, that and maybe shoot the shit.