What Are You Listening To?

This tune reminds me how bad I thought it sucked when I heard a new KISS song on the radio, and not knowing it was KISS, I really liked it [ I Was Made for Loving You ], and at the end of it, the DJ says it was KISS. Aaargh! I hated KISS. This ain't exactly the same, because I knew it was gonna be Randy Newman. but because it's a JGG post, I played it. Liked it. Very surprised, because I strongly have never cared for Randy Newman. Except the duets with Rob Zombie.

This tune reminds me how bad I thought it sucked when I heard a new KISS song on the radio, and not knowing it was KISS, I really liked it [ I Was Made for Loving You ], and at the end of it, the DJ says it was KISS. Aaargh! I hated KISS. This ain't exactly the same, because I knew it was gonna be Randy Newman. but because it's a JGG post, I played it. Liked it. Very surprised, because I strongly have never cared for Randy Newman. Except the duets with Rob Zombie.

Lol. You're good shit, Amos. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Love your stories.
Maybe not so much listening to, as watching Marissa Mell ! :fire: [Mike Patton brought me here ]
Deep Deep Down
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