What Are You Listening To?


OK, so there's a music clip in this @3:50,
but I'd fast forward through that part if I were you. It's Hall and Oates band doing one of their worst. But that makes the clip relevant for the music section - all of which is a transparent scam / reason to post this classic Sammy Maudlin Show episode bit, featuring Holly Fawn and Dutch. And funny man Bobby Bittman. [ bit man.] Light your reefer. Hit play.


OK, so there's a music clip in this @3:50,
but I'd fast forward through that part if I were you. It's Hall and Oates band doing one of their worst. But that makes the clip relevant for the music section - all of which is a transparent scam / reason to post this classic Sammy Maudlin Show episode bit, featuring Holly Fawn and Dutch. And funny man Bobby Bittman. [ bit man.] Light your reefer. Hit play.

All that old SCTV stuff is gold.

It had been so long since I had watched any H&O that I had forgot Darrell's hair. I've listened to a lot more of him doing this next gig than I ever did when he was with Oates.


man,, the sad thing is I got a 1/2 inch of dust on the bass/salmon/whatever,, tackle. And I did fish alot,,, lost acouple 'Old Ladies' over my addictive personality...
