What Are You Listening To?

Before Killing Joke...in 1981

Good stuff. The music was so new back then. People doing things that hadn't already been done.

Before Ian Curtis suicide. Joy Division. They went on to be known as New Order.

So many memories of listening to the great music of the 80's. Drinking, smoking dope, chasing girls. And then also the 2 sometimes 3 jobs needed to pay for an apartment, car, bills, necessities, and still have a wad of cash. Plus taking night classes. I don't think I could have done it without the music. Always had my walkman.

Some of us love them while many hate them. But The Cure got me through some rough times. I'd put on the headphones and get lost in their music.

And of course Depeche Mode.

But I also really enjoyed the Raw stuff. Agent Orange was a great mostly overlooked band. They totally rock. I can listen to this all day long. 1981. I was in high school.

Trouble - The Skull cranked with a system that our for forefathers would have been proud of. Epi 201 speakers, redone dynaco amp etc. Can't get heavier man.
