What are you looking forward to?


Well-Known Member
I get myself through a stressful day of work by focusing on good things in my life that have not yet arrived. Do you do the same? What are some things that you are looking forward to? As for myself, in the very near future I'm looking forward to my buddy's annual Memorial Day pig roast. Then in the not-so-distant future but still aways away I'm looking forward to the arrival of my first born. So how's bout you? What do you focus on to get you through a tough day?


Well-Known Member
I am looking forward to getting to harvest some plants in a month or so...and getting some more seeds...everyday I look forward to bedtime


Well-Known Member
I just rolled up this fat blunt in looking foward to getting high , but I can't seem to find my lighter :(


Well-Known Member
looking forward to getting my GED and going onto college in the fall, just got hooked up with someone on a wheelchair race track, when i get my bow it will be archery with some racing


Well-Known Member
I just rolled up this fat blunt in looking foward to getting high , but I can't seem to find my lighter :(
hate it when that happens.

i'm looking forward to sitting at home all summer and watching my garden grow. i am not going anywhere, not even for a day, until october.


Well-Known Member
no it's all good i have a great situation and i live with the love of my life in paradise. i smoke dope all day and work from my grow room in virtual world. my body is just plain tired and hurts all the time. too many scars to count and i am half titanium. it will be good to leave this body behind one day. i in no way would ever make it happen, it just am not afraid of it and look forward to the ride that comes after ;-)

Breezy mL

Active Member
Sunny youve always seemed like just one cool ass mofo, stay up for the rest of us that might be down at the moment.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
no it's all good i have a great situation and i live with the love of my life in paradise. i smoke dope all day and work from my grow room in virtual world. my body is just plain tired and hurts all the time. too many scars to count and i am half titanium. it will be good to leave this body behind one day. i in no way would ever make it happen, it just am not afraid of it and look forward to the ride that comes after ;-)
You're one of my favorite people on this board. :)


Well-Known Member
Sunny youve always seemed like just one cool ass mofo, stay up for the rest of us that might be down at the moment.
thanks man, thats a real nice thing to say and i gotta send it right back to you Breezy my friend. hang in there brother/sister and keep your eye on the prize to come :peace: