What are you paying for nice bud these days?


Well-Known Member
The nice thing about being able to grow or go to a club to get Maryjane is that I know what I'm getting
and that makes it possible to Properly medicate myself.
When your stuck in a Nazi State your getting weed you have no idea WTF it is, so how can you properly use it??
You get the reference of it being a gateway drug, know why??
"Wow dude I'm out of weed won't have any for a while, I got some good powder here that'll do for you..."
Just let the cat out of the bag and let us have our medicine, we'll even pay your Tariffs!
Okay now I'll go load a shot.


Well-Known Member
damn wtf. the absolute cheapest i get an 8th for is $50 of good shit. and i gotta travel to the hood to get it. random black ladies fighting in the middle of the street, cops drivin around. fucking hate picking up from there.
When I lived in Florida we were like, "How much is an eighth? And they looked at us like we were crazy and said "How man dime bags is that?"
Fin has a medical card, So he is probably talking dispensary pricing.

I bought in November, $50 for an 8th. I was in shock. just a few years ago I was paying $20 an 8th.

That very day I ordered my seeds from Attitude so I could start growing again and not get wallet raped.
Yup :) And it's some GOOD weed :)


Active Member
Fin, Or anyone else in CO

I don't know anything about how Colorado works or the new laws,

Are the dispensaries still only selling to medical patients or are they now selling to everyone?