What are you smoking today?

^^Big time! me, testing a chuck of cannatonic x afghan x candida that has been in jar 2 years and never tried. it's a sweet pheno and smells of honeysuckle honey, maybe a little lemon peel and pukish hay. beam tested the cbd and think it has more cbd than the candida i tested at the same time, so it has a lot of cbd. it hit fast at first but quickly mellowed and somewhat weak. Feels good on body though. could use some more so think I will
I recently dug out some of my old stash. {if I don;t make a real effort to smoke the old stuff, the new stuff won't last like it should} I found a sack of Sleepy Ass Blues Boggle from the '17/18 winter/spring crop. Smoked a one hitter of that this morning at the river house. Then did a couple of one hitters of SABB from this year when I got to work. Not too bad. Still pretty high 4 1/2 hours later.