What are you smoking today?

Finally broke down and got my medical card. I bought weed legally! Purple Papaya @ 22% THC. 50$ for an eighth, fuck me, I did it once but proly not twice, as I suspected, my own grow is better than their top shelf goods. I will say that it was trimmed real nice, So is mine!!!
Right ! The ONLY good dispo weed I have ever purchased was gmo cookies by Grow Sciences..but fuck $50 an 1/8 .. Last time I sold homegrown for that much was 2012
I'm sparking some good stuff! What are you smoking tonight forum?

Weed is bullshit, I'm snorting coke.
Unfortunately I smoked the last of Purple Romulan (only had an 8th total) its an incredible strain. Tastes like grape, skunk, Kush and other fruitiness....best weed ive had in a while and ive been smoking pretty good shit all year....this is top 3 ive had all year.

The good news....i have Purple Mimosa and AK-47 being delivered within an hour :)
Today it's Tony Green's Tortured Beans NYCOxOgChem. Same thing I've been smoking since I cut. Only thing I've smoked the last month, and I've gotvso many jars to choose from. Ticks all the boxes. For some reason it doesn't give me cotton mouth, which is a real bonus since lately I smoke weed all day long. Working on cutting down on the opiates and this stuff really helps.
Super stoned right now on AG Ohaze. First I kept walking back and forth, forgetting what I was doing, then i spilled a drink and went to get a paper towel, quickly looked up at the forest I suddenly found myself in, looked back down and realized I had unrolled the entire roll of paper towels, then started doing things really obsessively and compulsively, like counting my steps and breaths, then went to unplug my indoor light and for some reason thought I should do it with one hand, while still having an active current of electricity going, and thoroughly zapped myself. Now I'm looking at my fingers, thinking about how strange skin is.
No pic but smoked a bowl of a super early quick dried bud from an outdoor Sour Diesel plant. Plant is 6 or more weeks from harvest. The bud came off a lower branch I cleaned off earlier in the week. Figured it didn’t hurt anything to throw it in the garage to dry for a couple of days and then sample it.

Smoked a bit harsh, but had decent flavor. Very fun time working on some bamboo supports on a couple other plants after smoking that. Didn’t expect much but am actually pretty darn stoned right now. Should be some rather good smoke if I can get this girl to full ripeness before the weather turns to shit. I love growing weed.
-Cat :joint::twisted:
Nuddink after smoking some real crap (now starting to grow my own.. Well will be next week), I've come away for a few days and am totally dying glad your all living it up haha