What are you watching?

Just started watching this. Amerithrax was the FBI name for the investigation, looks like questions were still unanswered.

UFC 269 > Peña v Nunes, hell of a second round. Either one of those 2 warriors would toss BB's white bread ass around like a rag doll!
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I hadn't seen this movie before and sadly don't even remember reading about the incident or outcomes :(

Watched Don’t Look Up on Netflix with Leonardo DiCaprio, Meryl Streep, Jennifer Lawrence and a bunch of others the other night. Very, very funny if you can stomach poking fun at the current state of US politics and social media, especially pointed toward the last Administration.
Jonah Hill is fantastic in it too.
The last movie that my friend recommended to me was Kung Fu Rumble. The comedy is a parody, very dynamic and funny. Kung fu showdown is quite a quality parody of classic Chinese and Hollywood movies with Bruce Lee and Jack Chan. The musical special effects, hanfu costumes, and black humor were original. I don't rule out that I only liked the movie because I smoked a lot beforehand. But still, when I ask anyone about the movie, they all remember it with a smile.

A bit dated (in acting methodology and production) from the 70's and received both accolades and criticism. Created much debate and attention in West Germany and was one of the first film series that told of the holocaust. One of Meryl Streep's first roles. On YT if need be.

"Books and documentary films about the Nazis and the Holocaust appeared in Germany before 1979, but they did not excite the degree of curiosity and interest that the mini-series aroused"

"Chomsky’s Roots did for the American people what Holocaust did for the Germans. The film aroused viewers to ask questions and seek information about a history that was less familiar than it should have been."

"At its fortieth anniversary, the series was rebroadcast on German television in January 2019. A survey showed that fewer than half of German school children then had any knowledge of the Auschwitz concentration camp"

Transatlantic Broadcasts: Holocaust in America and West Germany
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A bit dated (in acting methodology and production) from the 70's and received both accolades and criticism. Created much debate and attention in West Germany and was one of the first film series that told of the holocaust. One of Meryl Streep's first roles. On YT if need be.

"Books and documentary films about the Nazis and the Holocaust appeared in Germany before 1979, but they did not excite the degree of curiosity and interest that the mini-series aroused"

"Chomsky’s Roots did for the American people what Holocaust did for the Germans. The film aroused viewers to ask questions and seek information about a history that was less familiar than it should have been."

"At its fortieth anniversary, the series was rebroadcast on German television in January 2019. A survey showed that fewer than half of German school children then had any knowledge of the Auschwitz concentration camp"

Transatlantic Broadcasts: Holocaust in America and West Germany
My wife had a grand uncle that was part of freeing the Jewish people from the concentration camps. He was never right again.
My wife had a grand uncle that was part of freeing the Jewish people from the concentration camps. He was never right again.
When the US liberated Buchenwald and Dachau in April of 1945 the soldiers were horrifyingly overwhelmed with the conditions even after 4 years of brutal warfare. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Jeff and Toby Herr Oral History Archive is one of the largest and most diverse collections of Holocaust oral testimonies (of both Liberators and Survivors) in the world. Very hard to listen to some of them :(
also other collection(s) here:
