What are you watching?

"if your only regret is not being able to see the looks on all those wealthy parents’ faces as they were led out of their mansions in handcuffs—well, here’s the next best thing."
..."Historically white collar professionals have virtually no filter on the phone. If he was talking to organized crime members
(about the schemes) he would have been made as a cooperator within 30 seconds on the call" lol
I would have liked to see a couple of the brats be prosecuted 'cause you know they knew, but the "G" couldn't prove.

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Tell Me Who I Am is a 2019 documentary film directed and produced by the British filmmaker Ed Perkins. It focuses on twin brothers Alex and Marcus Lewis. Alex lost his memory in a motorcycle accident at age 18, and his twin brother helped him recreate his lost memories of his childhood.

A unique and intriguing human story.
