What Are You Wearing??


Active Member
so i decided to start this thread, because we all live in different areas and am curious how alike or different we are with regards to clothing

so this is intended as what you are wearing at the exact moment you read this

i just woke up so i just threw on a pair of black track pants and some random t-shit that is pink with all sorts of crazy silver lines...no name brand this early in the morning :P

so what are u wearing???
light blue t-shirt with a tribal cross design.

Gray 3/4 length cargo shorts

combat boots

and as always, my ka-bar short.

Gotta do laundry today. My entire outfit barely passed the smell test. I think this shirts been sitting in the bottom of my hamper for like a month or so. Little bit of fabreeze and it's all good.
hahahahahahahaha i love this thred already, i have 2 holes in ears and belly button pierced, wanna get clit done but im petrified of the pain, other than the fact that they say anytime u move its like an instant orgasm ;)