What are your Beliefs on Spirits, Ghosts, and All Other Paranormal?

check out this one kooks theory.
One day computers will be as fast as a human brain, therefore the computer can generate a world(matrix) that it wouldn't know the difference between reality and the matrix, and we may already be that matrix and we are just a computer generated world.
Honestly, I wouldn't care. If I found out tomorrow this was all computer generated, I would just want the cheat codes. Actually, that would straight fucking rock. It'd be like GTA, do a dance, and all of a sudden your armed to the teeth, do another little dance, a car drops from the sky...etc etc etc.
Hello all,

About 5 years ago now when I was 23 or so I awoke abruptly from a dreamless night of sound sleeping, my eyes popped straight open and right above my closet laying on air was an old man with his hand propped to his head laying and staring. What I thought distinctly then was that he was adoring me, that's the expression that was on his face. I screamed and shut my eyes tight and when I opened them a moment later it was gone. Haven't seen anything since or before. Agnostic leaning atheist although I could never explain this. At the time I thought to myself that I could never doubt that it happened because there was far too much detail involved, but now like the rest of my life its somewhat a blurry memory. I know that if i ever saw anything like that again I would be ready to stare at it for as long as possible!
I believe it that shit. Do some Devil Worship or witch craft and tell me if you dont experience anything. I never have myself and probably never will but the things ive heard and see caught on camera from Ghost Hunters - Paranormal States
I've only seen a UFO in the mountains of Valle de Trinidad in Mexico. My uncles who were lounging outside our cabin said they see them all the time
It was probably a Mitsubishi

Whether you believe me or not doesn't matter, I saw it and so did my dad, who was a hard core Christian at the time
It was probably a Mitsubishi

Whether you believe me or not doesn't matter, I saw it and so did my dad, who was a hard core Christian at the time
Why do you think anyone is doubting that you saw something unidentified? I didn't see you claim these objects were extraterrestrial so it doesn't matter how many people saw it.