Dr. Who
Well-Known Member
@Dr. Who
What is your take on silica? for use in coco. I've never really concerned myself with it due to P-silica PH raising nature and binding risk. Some people talk of foliar spraying it but I don't like the sound of that either.
I have considered using basalt top dressing or mixed in. For seasonal crops it is considered to be fast releasing with a 2 month prep period but that seems to slow for this purpose. Would adding this to a continual worm bin and then top dressing or brewing castings be a better option for providing basalt's silica and ofc the many other benefits of basalt and castings?. While on that topic how do you think worm casting compare to the likes of recharge or instant brew products.
I've never really been a fan of Si use in soils.
It did some things for me in hydro but, nothing like what the makers can claim for their high priced products......I mean, tell people it will do XY&Z and by god they'll "see" almost exactly what makers "claim" in the first run with it....It's mostly confirmation bias at that point.
In Coco? Are you having problems that would be helped by it's use? Go with your answer to that question.... See what I mean.