What are your thoughts on alex jones ?


Well-Known Member
I remember Alex Jones when he was local radio host in Austin. The local kook insisting on being arrested at the DMV for refusing to submit a thumbprint to get a drivers license.

He holds dear what P.T. Barnum famously said: "There is a sucker born every minute."

He is a good showman.

An entertainer. Nothing more.

And god bless him.

But, he's as full of shit as a Christmas goose.


Active Member
just a suggestion i wasnt trying to argue either friend.

im not familiar with him saying that but thats probably out of context. lol
ahh hehe sorry man, I must be stoned :) I saw an episode of a talk show presented by Terry Wogan in which David Icke states he believes he is jesus. Must have been in the 90's.