What are your thoughts on smoking and driving?

In my experience, buzzed (alcohol) driving makes you not give a shit. Drunk driving makes you lose all motor control. Head change driving makes you super cautious with a loss of motor control. Stoned driving will have you going 10mph on the wrong side of the road with no motor control using your emergency lights because you can't find your turn signal.

Blowing a stop sign with a buzz because you don't care and you believe you will be fine is one thing, but waiting for it to turn green makes you a retard.

With a <.12bac I could care less, but 2 puffs and I wont let you drive.
What about a special license that allowed people to drive over the legal limit? Like you have to go take a really hard road test drunk and if you pass you can legally drive while a little over the legal limit
That would be a special kind of stupid. Not to mention counterproductive.

It's just not going to happen.

Like 60% of my driving lessons I was high for. I actually find my focus better on weed than when sober. Same can be said for dexxies though. More focus than when sober.
I absolutely do not drive after any drinks at all, but i do drive high occasionally after smoking, (no edibles or dabs).. I'm always cognizant I am altered and not under under any illusion that i drive better.
No any substance that alters you you should not drive
Prescription pills alcohol smoking
I don't care don't get behind the wheel please
The rest of us enjoy our lives

I tend to agree with this sunni, but nagging questions come to mind like

you mean like antidepressants? those alter minds for sure.
those pills that prevent some people from spinning out and causing harm to others or themselves? the ones we trust will be taken correctly ? you believe antidepressant takers should not be driving? would it be worse if they chose NOT to be under the influence of their drug and drive with their real feelings?
I dont use those, dont judge those who do, much, not arguing, not suggesting anything, only engaging with you for clarity.
do cops taking antidepressants carry guns? what if they forget to take their pills? do they drive too? I wonder about this

Reminds when when first quit drinking. I still tried to do everything normal, just switched soda for alcohol. Keep in mind I wasn't much of a soda drinker to begin with. Between the sugar and caffeine, I got all sorts of jittery and sick. You can catch a buzz on a case of soda in a couple of hours, lol.

called detoxing maybe? happens all the time to people who switch to water too.
I tend to agree with this sunni, but nagging questions come to mind like

you mean like antidepressants? those alter minds for sure.
those pills that prevent some people from spinning out and causing harm to others or themselves? the ones we trust will be taken correctly ? you believe antidepressant takers should not be driving? would it be worse if they chose NOT to be under the influence of their drug and drive with their real feelings?
I dont use those, dont judge those who do, much, not arguing, not suggesting anything, only engaging with you for clarity.
do cops taking antidepressants carry guns? what if they forget to take their pills? do they drive too? I wonder about this


Good point forgot about ssris
you mean like antidepressants? those alter minds for sure.
those pills that prevent some people from spinning out and causing harm to others or themselves? the ones we trust will be taken correctly ? you believe antidepressant takers should not be driving? would it be worse if they chose NOT to be under the influence of their drug and drive with their real feelings?

It's really not that complicated. "Do not take while operating machinery until you know how this medication effects you"
Because afterall. Your only intoxicated if displaying so. Hence a field sobriety test etc.. You can legally take prescription drugs at work and operate machinery unless your employer feels it's effecting your performance. In which case....

Not all drugs are of concern. Some antidepressants are riskier but these "selective" sris pose virtually no risk of abuse as you don't get high. Same with taking an otc nsaid or rx mood stabilizer. Of course all of these effect things like blood pressure and you are still responsible for a crash
No any substance that alters you you should not drive
Prescription pills alcohol smoking
I don't care don't get behind the wheel please
The rest of us enjoy our lives
Caffeine and nicotine are drugs and alter your conscious, should those be in there as well? I know for a fact high levels of caffeine can negatively effect concentration, like super ADHD. I ate half a bag of chocolate covered espresso beans once, I wouldn't have wanted to drive in that state, I was nearly manic ands with ability to concentrate.

Drugs effect individuals, individually.
You shouldn't drive fucked up. I've been known to do one hit out of a dugout and drive, I don't consider that being fucked up. It's more like relaxing to me.

Obviously, if you're going to smoke until you're blind hammered it's a different story. You're allowed to drink 1 beer and drive. If your blood alcohol is below .08 you're legal. It's up to you to know what your personal limit is and whether you're safe or not. It's pretty easy to tell.
In Mass, .08 is the limit, but if you blow over .00 and they want to do a sobriety test, you can still get arrested. They have discretion on "under the influence".
In Mass, .08 is the limit, but if you blow over .00 and they want to do a sobriety test, you can still get arrested. They have discretion on "under the influence".

I still remember this hippie chick in a tie dyed T shirt asking our Business Law prof. when they would legalize weed back in 1972.

"Not before they have a test to see if you're under the influence while driving" was his answer. I always remembered that.