What are you're steps you take when you front someone weed and then they don't respond back?


Well-Known Member
Going through this now, with a person I use to buy weed from. I would buy a LB from him every 3 months for a year. I give him 2 lbs of weed (mids that cost me $1250 for both pounds) and I basically haven't heard from him in like 10 days now after I sent him and called him every day almost. I couldn't get rid of it so I thought hey, this guy has a house 3 shitty cars and moves lbs and lbs of weed. I keep bothering him and I got a text from him yesterday that said, "Tom all u bacj" and my name isn't Tom. He must have voiced texted. Before I gave him the 2 lbs he knew I was hesitant and he said, "You know where I live". Yup buddy I do know where you live and I will give you time to fix you're bs and return my weed or give me $1500 back or its not gonna be good for him. I won't resort to violent ( I can't fight anymore do to health issues) but his cars will have bleach in the gas tank, bc like he said I know where he lives and I have nothing else better to do... What do you do in this situation???? I've been here before from people gambling.
First time I really ever did it.. Use to sell oz's to a 5-6 people a week... Just heard from a friend that is also a friend with this clown that he just started doing hard drugs again.
Most I lost was $750 and several 30-$100 over the years. I try to remember all the profit I've made so it doesn't sting as bad but I definitely cut way back in the fronts. You can remind them even half or whatever they have now is cool and try to milk as much as can out
Show up at his house
with the burner...for protection
You should have just sold it all your self...
Low an slow

Ask him where the lbs are...if he sold any.
He didn't sell them in 10 days...I know that.

If he shows you the lbs...
You can take them back an sell them yourself.
You can give this guy enough time to sell something.

You didn't want to sell those lbs yourself...
If you did, you would have broke them down into $25 8ths.
$6,400 cash money

I said $25 because I know you don't have the heart to sell them for $40 - $80 @ 8th. & I know $25 @ 8th will move in any market.

I saw your post on if anyone was having trouble moving units.
You are going to have to make your bones...
Sell those 2 pounds like a REAL Dealer
Make yourself pile up 6400 cash...
You don't have shit to do but make a sale all day long.

It's like losing weight...
All day you work sales.
Meet new people
Add more contacts.
Wait for them to run out of weed an push a Lil more their way.
You,ll get threw a couple lbs in about 2 months
60 days of hustling.

Learn a lesson...do this thing
Be one of the reasons units sell for $1600 instead of $4500.
Be that wankster that let a real dealer come up on a couple pounds.

I understand the legal part...
I'm in TX... you get caught with 4 oz an you got a felony. I know...
But you can get caught with an 8th. An that's a baby spanking. So don't pussy out over a little legal fender bender.

It's really dry where you are....
Cross state lines...
I wish I could help you aka
I wish I had 2 lbs to sell.
Going through this now, with a person I use to buy weed from. I would buy a LB from him every 3 months for a year. I give him 2 lbs of weed (mids that cost me $1250 for both pounds) and I basically haven't heard from him in like 10 days now after I sent him and called him every day almost. I couldn't get rid of it so I thought hey, this guy has a house 3 shitty cars and moves lbs and lbs of weed. I keep bothering him and I got a text from him yesterday that said, "Tom all u bacj" and my name isn't Tom. He must have voiced texted. Before I gave him the 2 lbs he knew I was hesitant and he said, "You know where I live". Yup buddy I do know where you live and I will give you time to fix you're bs and return my weed or give me $1500 back or its not gonna be good for him. I won't resort to violent ( I can't fight anymore do to health issues) but his cars will have bleach in the gas tank, bc like he said I know where he lives and I have nothing else better to do... What do you do in this situation???? I've been here before from people gambling.
Ngl where I'm from u would've got u shot on the 7th day ppl don't play ab money and the bleach in the gas tank is perfect but ngl I'd stop fronting. Unless there ppl that yk very well and yk won't fck u over
Just grow it back. You know.. At his house, while you hold onto some collateral to make room for the grow tents in his living room. Then get 10 lbs in 3 months, after he does all the grunt work,and pays the bills, etc. Toss him a # for being a good sport, and walk away with the duffel bag. More weed can can always fix the problems. :blsmoke:
First time I really ever did it.. Use to sell oz's to a 5-6 people a week... Just heard from a friend that is also a friend with this clown that he just started doing hard drugs again.
Your shit is gone. You just gifted an addict $1500. Cut your loses and walk away or get on your gangster shit. I advise the former, a hospital or lawyer bill will be a lot more the 1& 1/2k
Back when I used to hustle, I lost more fronted bags than I can even count. They were always small, like 1-2 ounce. I looked at them like one big scratch ticket.....maybe this guy/gal will work out and generate some sales. If they ghost me.....oh well that's part of the game.

I never did big fronts without collateral. I had one guy that was 100 miles away and was burning through 2 oz bags like nothing. I was sick of driving so I said I would front a pound. I never got the cash or the crop back, but to this day I still have a nice generator.
It's a totally different thing to be robbed...

I hate being ghosted...
At the same time ...
If you give someone a chance to turn a profit
Then take the time an let them work.
But you need open communication
Rule #1. do Not come On an Open Forum, and ask what people would do for retaliation.
#2. If one is going to do anything, figure it out yourself, and NEVER mention it to ANYONE. EVER. KEEP ONES MOUTH FUCKING SHUT.
#3. Do Not Front Anyone Anything, who is not a Trusted, Long Time Friend, or Relative. And if you do, dont front more than you can suck up, and forget about. If they rip you off? Then cut them off, like they have died.
Rule #1. do Not come On an Open Forum, and ask what people would do for retaliation.
#2. If one is going to do anything, figure it out yourself, and NEVER mention it to ANYONE. EVER. KEEP ONES MOUTH FUCKING SHUT.
#3. Do Not Front Anyone Anything, who is not a Trusted, Long Time Friend, or Relative. And if you do, dont front more than you can suck up, and forget about. If they rip you off? Then cut them off, like they have died.
Addendum to nr 3: protip: make sure the first front is small and very tempting to fuck you over; and see how it works out. Either way it works out you just bought some valuable information about character. If youre small time the 1500 stings, but if youre pro its not that much for knowing a good connection is trustable and legit.

If this dude already used to sell he probably lost money fronting him aswell and in his head "is just taking back" from the world.
Show up at his house
with the burner...for protection
You should have just sold it all your self...
Low an slow

Ask him where the lbs are...if he sold any.
He didn't sell them in 10 days...I know that.

If he shows you the lbs...
You can take them back an sell them yourself.
You can give this guy enough time to sell something.

You didn't want to sell those lbs yourself...
If you did, you would have broke them down into $25 8ths.
$6,400 cash money

I said $25 because I know you don't have the heart to sell them for $40 - $80 @ 8th. & I know $25 @ 8th will move in any market.

I saw your post on if anyone was having trouble moving units.
You are going to have to make your bones...
Sell those 2 pounds like a REAL Dealer
Make yourself pile up 6400 cash...
You don't have shit to do but make a sale all day long.

It's like losing weight...
All day you work sales.
Meet new people
Add more contacts.
Wait for them to run out of weed an push a Lil more their way.
You,ll get threw a couple lbs in about 2 months
60 days of hustling.

Learn a lesson...do this thing
Be one of the reasons units sell for $1600 instead of $4500.
Be that wankster that let a real dealer come up on a couple pounds.

I understand the legal part...
I'm in TX... you get caught with 4 oz an you got a felony. I know...
But you can get caught with an 8th. An that's a baby spanking. So don't pussy out over a little legal fender bender.

It's really dry where you are....
Cross state lines...
I wish I could help you aka
I wish I had 2 lbs to sell.
$25 1/8ths... Yeah I'm selling good mids for 1k a pound I would be estatic with if I had a constant buyer.
Went to this clown's house, bc I was in the neighborhood today. I texted him and I said I'm outside you're house are you home... He then told me to meet up tonight and will have all or most of my money.. Like I said I gave him 2 LB's and wanted $1800 back. I would be happy with $1500 back at this point for both of them...Meeting him at a gas station in 3 hours. I doubt I get anything above 1k back tonight... Will keep ya updated haha.
It's a totally different thing to be robbed...

I hate being ghosted...
At the same time ...
If you give someone a chance to turn a profit
Then take the time an let them work.
But you need open communication

This guy sells LB's not oz's. He can either get rid of it quick or he can't... He gets like 10 LBs at a time or every few weeks. You think he would stay clean and not want to fuck up a good thing with customers, but people just can't with these hard drugs.