What bills should I use when buying weight?

20's 50's 100's... it sucks to be counting all day long, and eventually it also gets boring... it is a very good idea to keep in mind that there is little that folks worry about more than respect both respect for one's time, rep and product... time is short, memories last a loooong time... you go rubbing your supplier the wrong way, you'll find it takes them longer to answer your calls, and that begins to waste your time as well... like the bible says, time is money...do well to remember that...
the bigger the denomination the better...would you rather take 5 seconds counting 1000 in 100's or 5 minutes counting 50 20's ??

I'm not sure if you were always just slow at counting, or if you have ADHD, or maybe I'm just a counting all-star, but it took me roughly 19 seconds to count 50 bills according to this stopwatch.

I certainly would prefer 100's, but I'm not going to complain about 20's since I don't have cerebral palsy and don't need 5 minutes to count 50 bills.
Im more iffy about the 100's than anything...mostly because in my area there have been tons of really good fakes going around. someone tried to give me one awhile ago...i was fooled at first (looked spot on in color, size, what the bill should look like, even had the hologram)...however its given away by the fact that its actually printed on paper so it feels a little awkward in your hand.

granted i caught the fake but you cant/wont catch them all..especially you pay for something with 40/50+ $100 bills...

i cant believe some actually divide their money up like that though (reading through this topic) i noticed some say the save the 100's/50's, use the 20's to buy, and spend 10s, 5s, 1s on day to day shit...that blows me away...YOU GUYS give you away.

personally if i had a large amount of money of all different size bills (1s 5s 10s 20s 50s 100s) im going to save and spend them all together...

i think it makes you look very suspicious to have a ton of bills all of the same amount....

having 10k burried in your house looks bad enough...if the 10k is all of the same bill it makes you look even worse than that.

think about it.

besides do you really wanna go to say mcdonalds and pull out a stack of 1s or 5s to pay for a meal? i worked for this store and some lady came in and bought 80+ dollars worth of items and actually paid me in 1s...she looked so stupid and i knew she was up to something as she pulled it out she said, "sorry my boyfriend is a waiter and this is his tip money" before i even seen the cash.

she was obviously nervous and for good reason.

i hope you guys dont do this...she would have been less suspicious if she just pulled out a regular wad of cash of all different bills.

i say if you make the $ with all different bills then you should save and spend it that way. only reason for having a bunch of 100s is if you plan on having it stored in a safe for long term savings...
I say who the fucks business is it where I got my money. No matter what denomination.

If I give you 50 singles and you ask smartass questions, I'll ask you what your problem is and tell you to stfu. Money is money no matter what you're holding. It doesn't matter how you pay for stuff. Stop being so fucking paranoid damnit.

fucking potheads 8)