what can cause a small yield?


Well-Known Member
Greetings stoners! Hey, just wondering what things i can do to avoid a small yield? What can i do to increase my yield? I am growing with cfls. 246 watts 2700k. here are some pics of my current grow 5 weeks into flower...not so promising. what did i do wrong?



New Member
How many different cfl's do you have? If you have many going up the sides it will penetrate better causing bud growth to increase.


Well-Known Member
damn that was some quick ass responses! u guys kick ass! :twisted: How do i know if i have root rot? what are ideal temps and humidity? this is my setup all 42 watts 2700 lumens each :peace:


Well-Known Member
i know this aint the best place to put a plant, but i got nowhere else to put it :cry:. Should i add another fan? should i have used some reflectors? any and all advice is greatly appreciated thanks! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Things to contribute to a small yield:

Not enough light
Stressing the plant throughout the grow( nute burn, transplant, lack of nutes, lack of water, too much water, under watering, cutting a lot of fan leafs off, list goes on)
Root bound



Active Member
Greetings stoners! Hey, just wondering what things i can do to avoid a small yield? What can i do to increase my yield? I am growing with cfls. 246 watts 2700k. here are some pics of my current grow 5 weeks into flower...not so promising. what did i do wrong?

I haven't looked that closely but your plants seem healthy(sorta?!!) - problem is your light distribution for 1. In my experience,with various Indica varieties, tying down/scrog type grows help with yield a lot. You might investigate 'topping' as well, not something I do much of but many swear by it..GL!!

GrnMan has summed up most other things that kill yield...
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Well-Known Member
I haven't looked that closely but your plants seem healthy - problem is your light distribution for 1. In my experience,with various Indica varieties, tying down/scrog type grows help with yield a lot. You might investigate 'topping' as well, not something I do much of but many swear by it..GL!!

I wouldn't recommend topping this late in the game. Try it on your next grow. Also, those stems that are looking red, those are signs of P deficiency some times. What kind of nutes are you feeding them and what dose?



Well-Known Member
well for my lights, i got the idea from the buds for less book by seemore buds. he had 8 42 watt cfls 2700 lumens each and grew 3 plants. one yielded 3 zips and the other 2 had 2 and a half zips. he had the same exact setup except he had 2 more 42's than i do. As for nutes i am using and dont laugh:mrgreen: miracle grow potting soil with time released ferts. Any suggestions( i know dont use miracle grow) But in the bfl book seemore used miracle grow! opinions and advice greatly appreciated! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Dude, get some real nutes - LOL! So you are expecting to use the time release nutes in the MG? I don't use MG, so I'm not to sure. Why don't you try somethan from the FF lineup or something from the Canna lineup.


Well-Known Member
well to be honest i was expecting a "miracle grow" lol! only because seemore easily grew half a P with MG and the same setup(WTF!?) how did he do it? any how i was indeed thinking of some better nutes. To be more exact, i was thinking of some simple organics. do you think this sounds coo'? ocean forest potting soil some perlite and lava rock and mother earths super tea bloom? or is this over my head?


Well-Known Member
I use FF's Ocean Forrest. It's an organic soil. I also use the Bio Canna nutes and their supplements.

Bio Flores - flower
Bio Vega - veg
Bio Boost - flower, it's a plant stimulant
Mollasses - 3 week into flower

All those nutes are organic. I've been told that going all organic gives your bud a better taste.



Active Member
I wouldn't recommend topping this late in the game. Try it on your next grow. Also, those stems that are looking red, those are signs of P deficiency some times. What kind of nutes are you feeding them and what dose?

..Yeh, I meant topping for next grow:joint: , no point now - the whole thing is a process, many steps, no miracles apart from a sound method and good food/lighting:mrgreen:GL!!!


Well-Known Member
Yea, but if you are going with an organic soil, why not use organic nutes? Won't have all those nasty additives like with other nutes, but that's just my opinion. You seen my grow haven't you? Seems like I saw you stop by.



Active Member
from the looks of it id say you do need some better nutes, your leaves looked kinda droopy, maybe you just needed to water, i read the see more buds book, and your setup look pretty much the same. I dunno, I personally thing 2700 lumens is not enough, lumens do not add up, you just get more light coverage. I've been using a 2' t5ho fuxture that has 2 lamps that put out 5000 lumens a piece, i topped mine and lst'd so all the colas are eqaual hieght, the light site right on top, im a little over 4 weeks into flower and have over double the bud on my plant.

this is a link where you can purchase one of these lights, thier not even that expensive. http://www.htgsupply.com/viewproduct.asp?productID=51907


Well-Known Member
yea i peeped it out. lookin hella good!:mrgreen: so i guess im gonna go with organics bro! not just yet though i still got 3 weeks left til harvest on my bagseed grow. see i only have enough room for one descent size plant. but when this lady here is finished i will get some ofps and some organic nutes! Also like i stated i did use the same lighting setup as seemore and his grow was phenomenol! but i must confess... i did remove some fan leaves in the first week of flowering. could this be my downfall for having such a shitty yield?


Well-Known Member
Yea, I would never take off any fan leafs during flowering. Only reason to do that would be if they were 50 percent dead.



Well-Known Member
rite on metal head. eventually i will try this t5 i have heard so much about. Now this t5 with 2 bulbs has 10,000 lumens right? well i have got 16,200 so how can there be such a dramatic difference in bud production? Will 10,000 lumens be enough to produce 2 to 3 zips with on plant? Also i promise i will not fuck up my plant by cutting off fan leaves, duh i found out too late!:evil: