What can i do to help this?


Active Member
Ive posted before and gotten some tips..

So heres the story.. planted got a sprout ect.. ect..

After awhile i realized something was wrong *First time grower* so i took some picks and posted here.. Turns out i was using the wrong kind of lights and my plant wasnt getting the kind of light it needed at all.. So i went out and slightly upgraded my setup.

Currently Im running 4X CFL 60W Lights and i have a small fan blowing on the plant in hopes to strengthen the stem.

The PH of my soil is roughly 6.2 - 6.5 and ive only given it Fertlizer once.

Im wondering if there is anything else i can do to hopefully turn her around and get her growing like she should be..

She is about 1 1/2 Months old.. and as you can see.. no where near where she should be as far as growth.. mainly due to me using the wrong kind of light for the first month.. Shes been under the CFL Lights for about 3 Days now and im starting to see new green in the stem, but like i said im wondering if there is anything else i can do aside from what i currently have running.

Also the newest leaves at the very top are starting to droop and curl down / inwards. I havent been over/underwatering as i have a gauge to tell me how much moisture is in the soil.. Im wondering what could cause this problem?



Well-Known Member
IMO first replant in a bigger pot. Only leave about 1/2 inch from the bottom leaves out of the soil. That kid is looking for light and streching. cfl's need to be very close. within 3" of the top of the plant. Get 2-42w cfl's and switch out 2 of your lights. then start giving it little doses of nutes evry other feeding. This is a pic of the kids under 1-100w and 1-80w cfl. you want to have a color temp of 5000-6500k for veg. the 42w's are like 2700k so the other 2 need to be high. Good luck..



Active Member
IMO first replant in a bigger pot. Only leave about 1/2 inch from the bottom leaves out of the soil. That kid is looking for light and streching. cfl's need to be very close. within 3" of the top of the plant. Get 2-42w cfl's and switch out 2 of your lights. then start giving it little doses of nutes evry other feeding. This is a pic of the kids under 1-100w and 1-80w cfl. you want to have a color temp of 5000-6500k for veg. the 42w's are like 2700k so the other 2 need to be high. Good luck..
The color temp of the 4 Lights i have running are 6500 each and ive been told that will be fine for veg.

I also buried the stem as close to the leaves as possible to help it..

My next question is.. Some of the lower leaves have a slightly Lighter green color than the healthy green that im seeing at the top of the plant.. which makes me believe it is lacking in Nitrogen.. What can i do to introduce more Nitrogen into the plant on the cheap?


Well-Known Member
you can get most any store nute for under $10.00 look for something like 5-0-0 start at like a 1/4 mix. I said to add the 42's becouse they are a higher watt bulb. I use 3 in my flower room and the have about the same lightI output as my 400w hps. I used the 3-42''s 100% in my first grows just more power then those little ones. a pic of the 3 bulb set up. just a thought to help the starving kid.



Active Member
you can get most any store nute for under $10.00 look for something like 5-0-0 start at like a 1/4 mix. I said to add the 42's becouse they are a higher watt bulb. I use 3 in my flower room and the have about the same lightI output as my 400w hps. I used the 3-42''s 100% in my first grows just more power then those little ones. a pic of the 3 bulb set up. just a thought to help the starving kid.
Alright excellent.. I'll check it out tomorrow.. Thanks alot for the info


Well-Known Member
you can get most any store nute for under $10.00 look for something like 5-0-0 start at like a 1/4 mix. I said to add the 42's becouse they are a higher watt bulb. I use 3 in my flower room and the have about the same lightI output as my 400w hps. I used the 3-42''s 100% in my first grows just more power then those little ones. a pic of the 3 bulb set up. just a thought to help the starving kid.
u could also use bat guano to to up your nitrogen, blood meal, will also do the same. You got a good meter?? If not got to lowes/home depot/ walmart and pick up a good meter. what is your soil and how often do you water? Nuting can be tricky because your soil acts as a natural soil buffer. If you add a nitro up, dont be alarmed if it climbs past 7 because in a day it will came back down. start nuting slowly and build up from there and let the plant tell u what it needs from there. soil drainage is futile, so if your not getting good drainage add some perlite, about 20 % should help. I would also a 100% organic nute/fert program, as this will decrease the chances of nute burn. I use BMO (ebay superplant tonic) get the whole package around 35$ shipped and u will get a great response from your plant. DOnt let the price fool you, their stuff is top of the line super concentrated teas that result in healthier and better tasting buds. Anyways, meter constantly and search on RIU for BMO and definetly get bettter tasting pot, and roughly the same yield... cause its easy to choke your roots off if you started in a small container. Holla back if I can help you further, as i'm no stranger to all of this! peace and good luck!!



Well-Known Member
It's true. The more you put into it the more you'll get out of it. I use Alaska fish fert. it smells like hell but works well. They have a veg and flower line. This is the first grow I haven't had any nute burn at all.