What can i expect - Lowryder Auto's


Active Member
Okay, so now i know enough about my setup that i would like to give you guys the specs in hope that someone can set me an achievable....i repeat ACHIEVABLE target for a first time grower.

I have... Lowryder #1 Auto's

Watering: Manual/Distilled/Occasional Foliage Spray(Occasionally i will water with Carbonated water)
Soil: Worm Castings/Perlite/Mushroom Compost
Lights: Luca Grow 600w Hps (20/4 then 18/6)
Air Circulation: Standard desk fan.
Venting: Ducted under the house but no fans, cant afford.
Temp: 25 deg C stable
Humidity: Dont know yet... about average i expect, waiting for a... h-y-g-r-o - meter if thats what they are called.

So what do you think i should be able to yield in dry weight? I would like an ounce per plant, but that seems a bit over-zealous for a begginer.


well i am a beginner and grew a lowryder 2 with a 125 watt dual spectrum cfl in a grow tent with soil and got about 2 1/2 oz of very good smoke that would blow any street weed out of the water, only tip is not to use to much nutes or you will stop them growing for a week or so, goodluck