So why do you brew for more than one day and do you water with tea during veg, flowering or both. No, it is kinda like baking a cake. I did do a couple searches.
Both veg and flowering.
I brew for more than a day because I'm lazy. LOL Sometime, close to a week.
Google the Three Little Birds, alfalfa tea. I thought it was here somewhere, but apparently not.
Anyway, what I do is this: I make 2 'teabags' from Queen size trouser socks from the $ store. About 4 cups of alfalfa meal, the same of EWC and about 1 cup of kelp meal in each. Hang each one in a 5 gal bucket of de-chlorinated water and a couple tbls of molasses. Let it bubble for a day or 2. My air pump is 2 outlets and I do 2 5gal buckets at the time.
I then take ~1/2 of the bucket and split between 4-5gal buckets of de-chlor water. That would be 8 total and 40 gallons of water. Give everything a drink. MJ only makes up perhaps 20% of what I grow, so the 40 gallons goes quick.
Fill the first 2 buckets back up with de chlor water, add some more molasses and keep bubbling. Do it all again in 3 or 4 days.
This is less for adding N-P-K than giving a shot of bacteria/fungi to an already amended soil. The second batch is more heavy with protazoa to eat the bacteria and add more to the soil.
No, baking is a pretty exact thing. This is anything but. Add or omit as you wish, but do small amounts of strong stuff (guanos, manures, etc.), till you see how they work/react.
Main thing is, follow your nose. It will smell, but if it stinks, nasty, toss it. You'll know, like the difference between horse shit and a uncovered septic tank.