What can I use to seal my air cooled light?


Well-Known Member
I need my air cooled light to be completely airtight and I can see that there are some gaps where the hood meets the glass. Any products you would recommend or will good old duct tape do the trick?


Well-Known Member
Whatever works man. You could try "great stuff" a foam sealant, but that can be messy. Duct tape is fairly air and light tight too.


Well-Known Member
Duct tape does not do well when exposed to heat. I recommended any silicone like indoor and out. will smell till it cures 24hr. the other thing I recommend is you have the fan blow through the cool tubes that way if you miss a small hole it will just let fresh air in. If you put the fan at the end and suck air through the cool tube you will suck any smell from the room into your exhaust air. Not a good thing.



Well-Known Member
What about a piece of weather stripping? It comes in so many different thicknesses and styles, I'm sure you could find one to press in there.