well, i would expect it to be at least a LITTLE stonier along the lines of skunk #1 as it's 25% indica as is senior garcia which i've heard isn't bad. i've also heard that WoSs is a decent breeder.
i haven't been able to try any IBLs other than real CG except licorice tasting durban poison, but even that couldn't quite compare to the AWESOME elevated senses you get out of gold. did you read my smoke report?
the next best thing to it that i've smoked so far is high quality seeds' haze x skunk. it isn't as visual or sensual as gold, but it's actually more potent. it's not a shabby buzz by any stretch, but yeah, gold had a really fun buzz that NOTHING i've smoked since has beaten.
if you can do outdoor growing, your best bet to match it would be to try and find an IBL, but they're getting rarer & rarer. you can't get afropips' real deal malawi gold anymore. that one should be as trippy as gold. i couldn't get supposedly extra trippy mekong haze to pop along with another member here i see. the best bet might be trying sativa seeds' full moon (highland thai). it's a really fussy bitch that you'd need to dedicate your entire room & lights to, but it's delicious tutti fruity scent tell it's the real deal though mine, once it FINALLY started to flower & turn hermie was REALLY stony. i don't know if it was stressed, light starved or just stony at the start of flowering, but it's growth habits were pure IBL and their sister label (nirvana's) H19 skunk looked more IBL than HQS's one which is still awesome.
trying to find good IBLs SUCKS! i got nothing but mutants from VISC and have heard bad reports for reeferman & seedsman gear too.
if you did grow WOSs gold, i'd definitely love to hear a report on that.
you might also like mandala's 8 miles high or short stuff's super cali haze. those are really nice too with the 8MH being super indoor friendly.