What causes light (almost white) growing tips??


Active Member
Need Help!!

Have some ladies (6 weeks old) that look healthy as can be (growing in 3 gal containers under 600 watt HPS) all about 2' tall but I am now noticing that the new growth has these almost white tips??! All other leaf color on older leaves looks great!!
What gives? Any advice??


Well-Known Member
Nitrogen Defficiency possibly or light bleaching. Whats your feeding schedule if any and what gap from plant to light.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Its NOT a nitrogen defficiencey as your lower leaves would be all gone befor the tips of new leafs got whote.from.nitrogen defficiencey. light bleeching was what I was thinking. Or micro deff. If your ph is too high its the micros, if your ph is right on, then the light is probably too close.


Well-Known Member
Good point! I second what you say man.
Its NOT a nitrogen defficiencey as your lower leaves would be all gone befor the tips of new leafs got whote.from.nitrogen defficiencey. light bleeching was what I was thinking. Or micro deff. If your ph is too high its the micros, if your ph is right on, then the light is probably too close.


Active Member
light is about 18" from plants...Is that too close? I am using the FoxFarm trio, about to start gining them Tiger Bloom next week

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Hey...carolina! I used to live in cary, then chapel hill...anyways. I used to have to drive to mebane to get grass there...No, thats not too close. My guess is your rootzone ph is above 7 reducing your micros. Check ph of runoff, give a foliar feed. (not under the lights though of course


Well-Known Member
I had this problem recently and read advice to spray with a very diluted mix of maxicrop( MGrow) spray them once(weekly if needed) then spray with ph'd water over the next couple days and now they are fine, pumping and colour is back in the new growth. Seems it was a cal/mag def.
I also slightly reduced veg nutes as too much N can lock out other nutes(cal/mag).


Active Member
you think I should give a foliar feed?? What kind? Isn't there a chance I could be causing more problems with too much fertilizer? Let me know...I'm new at this! Thanks!