what causes low humidity?


Well-Known Member
If you are having trouble with low humility, try adding a wet cloth on a plat or something like that. Its just the heat from the light is drying out the room. Soil my be dry too.


Well-Known Member
all humidity is, is moisture in the air. heat drys up moisture you can buy a humidifier pretty cheap about $20


Well-Known Member
If you have a gas furnace in your home and it has been running, that is likely the cause if it has not been before. My furnace drys the hell out of my house.


Well-Known Member
thats what its gotta be, im in the same room as my furnace so i guess a humidifier is the way to go then


Well-Known Member
Are your plants showing some kind of damage or something?

I have never seen an op with too low humidity that damaged anything.

Low humidity should be a target for all grow rooms.

Disease and pestilence love high humidity conditions.

The weather man on TV will give a Relative Humidity figure for outside.

This air with a certain RH will be sucked into your grow, the lights and what not have the air inside heated, and bang the RH is lowered because warm air can hold more water relative to cold air. Just a few degrees makes a big difference.

Personally, I couldn't imagine trying to put more moisture into a grow.

Low Humidity=Good:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Aye, low humidity is best.. It helps, along with adequate air-flow (couple oscillating fans), to prevent mold, which also helps to avoid fungus gnats and multiple plant maladies such as fungal rot, etc. Around 40-60 is good, anything lower and you can do the wet towel trick (I do in the summer, and it works great), any higher, well, I dunno, you have got some problems. My house has brick walls, so it makes for weird humidity levels in my house (porous brick loves moisture). But, yeah, if you are at 40 or whatever, you don't have to be worried... Now, what is your grow space like? Does it have good ventilation, etc?


Well-Known Member
i have a 2x3x 4 1/2 tent. and i have an intake and a out take fans as well as an oscillating fan. im using a 250 hps and my temps are 78-81 and humidity ranges from 30-40


Well-Known Member
rite now in my grow room i have a RH of 16% and a temp of 69.F my plants are doing fine and to tell you the truth they are growing and flowering like mad
here are some pics im on day 31 of flower and the plants are G13 Lab's Afghan Mafia's.









DR growgood

Well-Known Member
u want low humidity it boosts resin production in its finaly weeks i wouldnt do any thing man u sould pick up the new high times mag theres a big artical in there about it.


Well-Known Member
Low humidity is always best. Less chance for any flora or fauna that you don't want in there to get a foothold.


Well-Known Member
ltz...good looking plants.....for years and years what people done to add humidity to the air was to set a old coffee can on top of the floor register..it adds humidity to the air...mixing your nute mix...i dont know how you water..but if you mix your nute in 2 gallon watering pails..then sit it in front of your fan blowing on your plants it is going to add humidity to the air...use a air bubbler in the soup mix..that will mix the nutes..and any biological stuff...like rizotonic up and get it good and activated..it will also bring your juice up to room temperature before you poor it on the root zone..your roots will love the air in the soup too..


Well-Known Member
thanks everyone for the comments on my plants but it's not me with the problem .
to tell you the truth i dont think it is a problem if the humidity is low its only going to do good things such as boosts resin production and keep all the bad nasties away
i have also noticed that my over watering from time to time that the plants dont droop so bad just a slight curve in the tips and within the hour they are back to normal . and the growth is really good vrs having high RH . before i got things under control i had really high RH and my plants looked like crap all the time .
here is a pic of that
