what causes this


Well-Known Member
I am just wondering about a plant yellowing up around the 5th week of flower . I have read some say its normal and natural while others say keep them green till the end . Do these look normal or is this a deficiency and what would one do to keep the green going through the end of the plants life ? Would u just give a small bit of veg nutes here and there . Everything was really nice and green up until the 5th week



Well-Known Member
I mean, she is healthy that's for sure.

Have you been feeding any during flowering at all?

How many weeks is she supposed to be for flower?

She is for sure feeding off her leaves, that is very noticeable in the pictures.

*Edit, what is your medium made of? What type of soil, what's in it.
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Well-Known Member
Im using general organics go box i used the veg nutes until after the first week of flower and switched to the bloom nutes at that point . They are in promix hp in 5gallon pots . Tom will be the begining of week 7 I think the first pic is bag seed so not sure but it smells kushy so I figured 8 weeks and the second is haze extreme from crop king supposed to be x with cheese . Says 8-10 weeks


Active Member
They look hungry but if your following the go box feeding it should be fine. Does the box come with cal mag? Maybe ph?, if you use a meter check to make sure it's calibrated.


Well-Known Member
Go box says not to ph because it changes in the soil . Yes I do use cal mag it comes with it . The were luscious and beautifull before . I tried to give the heavy feeding dose because I thought hungry also but that cause a little bit of nute burn on the tips so I didnt do it again . That was the only time I burnt the plant so I backed back to the reg dose at about every second watering


Well-Known Member
They look hungry but if your following the go box feeding it should be fine. Does the box come with cal mag? Maybe ph?, if you use a meter check to make sure it's calibrated.
Some good insight ^, once you've checked, and only checked without doing anything else, all of the above, then make a choice on what to do next. Since you are in week 7 and they started to lose leaves a week ago, and one of the strains you feel would be 8 weeks or so, it is possible that the plant you feel is about 8 weeks flowering time is near done and she is just taking what she needs from her leaves to finnish on up and swell.

They both have a lot of green left, and from my experience, a plant can feed off its fan leaves for awhile. So unless, and again after you have checked all of the above suggestions, you feel like supplementing with a small dose of food towards the conclusion of both of their lives, then I would suggest just letting the girls do as they want. How rare is it that a plant is able to live out its life, and make use of all the nourishment it has grown (ie its fan leaves and vegetative parts) by the time you chop her down? I mean, to me a dream grow would be that my girls finnish themselves off by taking all the nourishment from their fan leaves.

But your plants look good bro, nice flowers. I think you are fine, but you will make the best choice because you are the one who can actually see and feel and be around the girls right now.

*Edit, ahh, I saw your recent post just after I added mine. That's just it, you fed a strong dose, saw some burn, and backed off, and have kept the feedings at regular dose since. It is possible that when you 'overfed' it wasn't all that bad, just possibly slightly too much, and maybe the girls can handle more than just a "regular dose" but not quite the "heavy feeding dose", so when you over fed you chose to go back to regular feed cause you did not want to burn your girls, but it is possible that they have been wanting more than just a regular feed, but not quite the strength of a heavy feeding dose.

So in summary, its possible that you have been underfeeding because you overfed once and didn't want to do it again so you went back to normal dose but the girls want more than the normal dose, just not quite the heavy dose.

That sounds like it might be whats going on?


Well-Known Member
This will be the last week I feed bag seed as I feel she will finish at 8 so a week just water i saw a hint of amber in her today


Active Member
Do u think veg nutes would help give em some n. Or is that a bad idea in flower
I'm not exactly sure what plants want in their final feeds according to N-P-K but I don't see any reason a little veg nutes should harm her.


Well-Known Member
Well they would be higher in nitrogen . And the yellow I always hear n deficiency . I just dont know if veg nutes will have negative effect on my flowers if the plant starts worrying about feeding the leaves . If that makes sense . I dunno maybe I should just be mellow and let her yellow


Active Member
Well they would be higher in nitrogen . And the yellow I always hear n deficiency . I just dont know if veg nutes will have negative effect on my flowers if the plant starts worrying about feeding the leaves . If that makes sense . I dunno maybe I should just be mellow and let her yellow
If you just give her a little splash in a gallon it'd help but to much not sure. You should read up not flushing quite a few well respected growers swear by it


Well-Known Member
I like to flush for a week only and not a litteral flush just water normaly I find they swell up nice and push the resin when they finish that way


Well-Known Member
I think they are fine. They have so much green in their leaves, so much life and nourishment.

Those most current photos you posted of the top views shows me that your plants have enough self contained food to sustain the remainder of the grow.


Well-Known Member
I'd say throw some EWC/vermicompost on the top, and water with some Fish Emulsion. One-two tbsp. per gallon.

Won't affect taste, but you can still flush before harvest.


Well-Known Member
Ya I was using bio marine which is squid I believe but its says to stop using a few weeks before maybe ill try a little bit though

. That top view was before the yellowing started not most recent


Well-Known Member
Well like most of us are getting at, it looks like you need N. BioMarine isn't really specific for N.

I suggested what I suggested because I know it would be safe to add during flowering, and you cannot burn the plant with them. You don't need N during flowering, you could let it go from this point on. I just hate seeing a plant starve for the last 5 weeks of it's life and hurts the quality over all.

Again, get your hands on some Earthworm Castings or Fish Emulsion, apply and no more yellow leaves.