What cloning machine to buy??


Active Member
NO NUTRIENTS FOR CLONES!! well, cept for maybe a touch of the almighty Superthrive. 1drop per gallon more than enough. Tried voddoo juice and just flat out cant do much with organics in my setup environment. Also, Ive found that my unfiltered 60ppm tap water is fine. Actually, the chlorine probably helps knock down xtra bacteria until it dissapates. I know, I know, chlorine hurts the organic superthrive, BUT....it IS super, and how much it gotta do? Mold scares me, so I'll deal with the chlorine. Low lights, low nutes, and time to get reborn.

All my gals come from clones nowadays. Cloning is so easy and gives such reliable girls, seeds are only used to create mothers. Even then, plant 3 seeds (fem) choose one mother after harvest, clone her ass forever!! Happy growing to ya!



Well-Known Member
If you're an organic gardener, Blue Mountain Organics makes a product which, I assume, is similar to Superthrive (maybe just because of the name - I'm not sure exactly what superthrive is/does) called Super Plant Tonic. It promotes growth of micro-beasties, and is safe for seedlings.

[email protected]

Well-Known Member
so do you or do you not use a cloning gel? like clonex.

do you just cut them and put them into the machine or is there another step i dont know about?

[email protected]

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
what kind of nutrients if any are you using in your water?
Like they said, you don't really need anything for clones other than water, but Kickstart 1-2-1 is a bit helpful. I use it in half doses with no problems and good cloning success.


Well-Known Member
so do you or do you not use a cloning gel? like clonex.

do you just cut them and put them into the machine or is there another step i dont know about?
You can cut them and put them in a machine and get good results, a rooting compound helps, but it may not be worth the cost. You cut the stem at about a 45 degree angle, gently strip/scrape two sides of the stem where roots are meant to grow. And then place the cuttings in the machine. Normally, in seven days you'll have roots even without rooting compounds.


Well-Known Member
You can cut them and put them in a machine and get good results, a rooting compound helps, but it may not be worth the cost. You cut the stem at about a 45 degree angle, gently strip/scrape two sides of the stem where roots are meant to grow. And then place the cuttings in the machine. Normally, in seven days you'll have roots even without rooting compounds.
What if you don't scrape two sides? Takes a little bit longer?
I've scraped mine in the past but didn't do it for the ones I'm doing now(see if theres a differnce or not)


Active Member
what has a better/quicker success rate? aeroponic mister or one of those deep water air stone bubbler things?

[email protected]

Well-Known Member
what has a better/quicker success rate? aeroponic mister or one of those deep water air stone bubbler things?

i have read of people having 100% success rate with the aeroponic mister but i havnt researched the other one... but my guess is 100% also.... cloning is easy


Active Member
Search Harvest a pound every 3 weeks in this forum, and you will find a aeroponics clone system with all the specs parts and nutes needed.


Well-Known Member
i have read of people having 100% success rate with the aeroponic mister but i havnt researched the other one... but my guess is 100% also.... cloning is easy
this. cloning is easy. You could even use a cup of water and drop the cuttings in there. You will get pretty much 100% success that way also.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Ive tried a bunch of different cloning methods. Ive gone back to keeping it as simple as possible:
Soil, dome and a heating pad.

I mist once a day and keep it nice and humid. I have 100% rate.....i liked a bubble cloner that I had, but hated the growth lag when I would transplant into soil....i think if your gonna grow in soil you might as well root in the soil. It tales a little longer for rooting to start but you gain not having to transplant into soil.....if the roots are developed enough it can cause some stress.


Active Member
what type of lag when transplanting? did you see any nute burn from ferts in the soil? thats all i worry about when using these water systems