What Cops Look For?

It says "Odor of marijuana in the vehicle - It will smell sweet, with a slightly burned odor."
Sweet will never define some of the shit floating around here...

Very good though, nice post!
After seeing this:

and this:

I think its safe to say... there is no BEST way. You just need to make sure you cover every angle. Don't drive high, thats what really grinds my gears, when i hear someone got busted because they were blazed.

Good luck to ya though

HAHAH, that sounds like the dumbest thing you can do. I can barely pee straight blazed.
you could always just not give them a reason to pull you over and only carry what you are "allowed" i suppose.

don't start nothing, won't be nothing.
great now when i get pulled over.ill know whats happening and thats not really a good thing.
because when i realize its going bad ill know it. lmao